Arknights: 2021 the Latest Beginner Guide


Arknights: 2021 the Latest Beginner Guide

Arknights—the new game out that reached over 1 million pre-registers! This game is tons of fun and well worth your time. It is a tower defense-like game with an exciting story line and great visuals.  And Arknights is now playable on PC with Mumu Player, which is the best emulator that offers you a fabulous playing experience!

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But, like all new games there is going to be a bit of a learning curve. Let’s get into the tips and tricks you MUST KNOW in order to have a smooth and enjoyable time.  This game has a number of exploration mechanics, and the tips below are important for you to improve your game experience in Arknightst on PC with MuMu Player.


1. Begin the game as you normally would, and sign in as guest
2. Play through the two tutorial battles
3. Once you reach the battle after your first single summon, open the settings in the top left corner of your screen to leave
4. Claim only the 3800 gems in your inbox
5. Roll on the 6 ★ banner
6. Go to your settings, then navigate to account. Choose Bind to Yostar account
7. Enter a Gmail + [number] Account (adding a number allows you to track your rolls) 
8. Once the account is binded, logout from the account settings screen
9. When in the home screen, select Account Management, then select Guest and repeat
Adding these numbers to your email accomplishes two things:

The verification code will still be sent to your main gmail account due to a Google feature (you aren’t actually having to create multiple gmail addresses)
You will still have the option to choose a Guest Account when you log out to reroll again
Don’t forget to clear your cache so you can do it properly!

Arknights: 2021 the Latest Beginner Guide1

*Some tips on Rerolling:

All reroll accounts get access to the Pre-registration rewards
After you roll 10x on the newbie banner the next 10x does not guarantee anything
Collect all to skip animations

Rerolling is a staple in all kinds of gacha games and this one is no different. Arknights does a great job in helping you start off on the right foot by giving you a free 10x pull and guaranteeing you a 6 ★ which is the highest tier in the game. In the pool of operators you can pull from are Siege, Shining, Angelina, Exusiai, Hoshiguma, and SilverAsh. Each one is a beast in its own respective category. Reroll to try to get more than one when you pull. 

Arknights: 2021 the Latest Beginner Guide2

Leveling Order
While leveling your units and operators evenly is important, you might be lost as to which units to level up first. This depends on your play style and what you like to use. Generally I try to upgrade what is dying and needs some extra stats. The order of leveling if you are limited with resources should be Vanguards, Snipers, Casters, Defenders, then Medics. Since Vanguards are units you send out right away to accumulate DP they need to be strong enough to survive and kill things. Then, Snipers for their long range and physical damage. Next up should be either Casters or Defenders depending on how well your Vanguards are doing. Lastly, Medics to round out your team and top everyone off. Check out the Team Building to understand what classes to bring and why. 

Arknights: 2021 the Latest Beginner Guide5

The base is where you can passively make useful items and get money. The Factory can make you Gold and Battle Records (EXP training tickets) while the Trading Post allows you to sell that Gold—a neat way to make some extra money and EXP on the side. Try to max out and complete your Base as soon as you can because in the long run you’ll be way ahead. Check out our Base Setup Guide to learn about each part of the base!

Arknights: 2021 the Latest Beginner Guide3

*Base Tip: Operators and how you will rotate them is important in your base. Certain operators prefer to be in certain places and picking the right ones will net you big bonuses. Keep in mind that once they are fatigued and at 0, you will need to place them in the dormitory to recover. 

The Trading Post, Factory, and Power Plant are where you can customize and mix and match. Depending on what you need you’ll have more of one than the other. I personally will be going the 2 Trading Posts, 4 Factories, and 3 Power Plants (2-4-3) route. This route is easy with balanced productions and a fully upgradable base, also not very complicated to manage. 

If you want higher output of production then consider 2 Trading Posts, 5 Factories, 2 Power Plants (2-5-2). This will give you a high balanced production of money and Battle records (EXP). But this will mean an incomplete base because of the lack of Power Plants and more work on your part.  

The guide is only theoretical knowledge, and more importantly, practice! So, don't hesitate to download MuMu Player now and enjoying Arknights on PC, and with the best controls, graphics, and performance and other brilliant functions provided by MuMu Player.


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