Arknights Latest Tier List: Specialists, Snipers, Supporters, and Vanguards


Arknights Latest Tier List: Specialists, Snipers, Supporters, and Vanguards

Greetings, Doctors from Rhode Island. Here is a brand new Arknights tier list (till Oct 2023), aimed to ramp up your gaming experience.

arknights latest operators tier list


Classes in Arknights

At the very beginning you should know that the operators in Arknights are categorized into 8 different classes:

  • Caster
  • Guard
  • Defender
  • Medic
  • Specialists
  • Sniper
  • Supporter
  • Vanguard


In the specific scenario, operators from different classes need to synergize with each other in the party. Now we will broke down the recommended tier list class by class for your information.


This article will summarize the last four categories of operators: Specialists, Snipers, Supporters, and Vanguards.


As for recommendation of the first four categories, click and check our previous guide: Arknights Latest Tier List: Casters, Guards, Defenders, and Medics


Specialist Tier List

True to the name, Specialists are Operators with specialized functionalities that allow them to influence the battle in various ways, ranging from single-handedly dispatching priority targets, acting as a diversion, or using the terrain to their advantage.


Generally, Specialists are not meant to be used as a core operator, but rather as a situational or tactical one as they can only perform at full effectiveness under certain circumstances.


  • Tier A: Aak, Projekt Red, Weedy, Phantom, Gladiia
  • Tier B: Cliffheart, Gravel, Jaye, Mizuki, Ethan, Mr. Nothing, Kafka
  • Tier C: Robin, Frost, Rope, Snowsant, Kirara, Waai Fu
  • Tier D: Shaw, THRM-EX, FEater, Manticore

arknights latest operators tier list


Sniper Tier List

Snipers use ranged weaponry (usually crossbows/bows or firearms) to attack enemies from a long range, allowing them to dispatch enemies from a safe distance. Their DP cost is quite low, only slightly higher than Vanguards, allowing Snipers to be deployed early in the game.


Snipers have less-than-stellar HP and DEF, so it is best to keep them away from ranged enemies who can easily harm them. They are also ineffective against enemies with high DEF as their attacks will not be effective. In contrast, Snipers excel against enemies with high RES but low DEF, such as enemy Casters.


  • Tier A: Fiammetta, Rosa, Archetto, Ash, Exusial, Schwarz
  • Tier B: Pinecone, Blue Poison, Platinum, Provence
  • Tier C: Ambriel, Meteorite, Toddifons, GreyThroat, Firewatch, Andreana, Aciddrop, Aosta, Executor, Fartooth, W, Rosmontis, Sesa
  • Tier D: Shirayuki, Vermeil, Catapult, Kroos, Jessica, Meteor, Adnachiel, Rangers

arknights latest operators tier list


Supporter Tier List

Supporters provide various means of field support, ranging from buffing other operators, debuffing their enemies, or utilizing summons in combat. Most Supporters' attacks deal Arts damage, allowing them to act as makeshift Casters.


Supporters are more micromanagement-intensive than others, as most of them rely on the usage of their abilities to be effective. They are also frail, having a relatively low HP and DEF, though most Supporters have innate RES, so they should be played in combination with Medics.


  • Tier A: Angelina, Scene, Skadi the Corrupting Heart
  • Tier B: Glaucus, Pramanix, Sora, Magallan, Roberta, Shamare
  • Tier C: Earthspirit, Deepcolor, Podenco, Suzuran
  • Tier D: Orchid, Tsukinogi, Istina, Mayer

arknights latest operators tier list


Vanguard Tier List

Vanguards have relatively low DP cost which often makes them among the first units to be deployed in an operation and the ability to generate more DP to allow the rest of the squad to be deployed. They typically have decent, well-rounded stats, allowing Vanguards to handle the initial waves of enemies in an operation.


  • Tier A: Flametail, Saileach, Elysium, Myrtle, Bagpipe
  • Tier B: Reed, Siege, Saga, Vigna, Zima
  • Tier C: Beanstalk, Chiave, Courier, Grani, Vanilla
  • Tier D: Plume, Fang, Scavenger, Texas, Yato

arknights latest operators tier list


Above are our recommended build list for Casters, Guards, Defenders, and Medics in Arknights. Hope this guide may bring you a better gaming experience. For more mobile gaming tips and tricks, please bookmark our blog page and keep following up!


Also, you may click and check how to enjoy Arknights on PC with MuMu Player with bigger screen, faster speed, and higher FPS!