Arknights: Return to Mist Event Brings New Operators


Arknights: Return to Mist Event Brings New Operators

Arknights are known for its large-scale version updates that bring a lot of new content. One of the biggest events titled "Return to Mist" is going to be starting soon! Let's view more details with MuMu! And if you're still wondering who to pull, you can click here to check the tier list we provided for you.

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Stainless – 6-Star Operator

Stainless is a 6-Star operator that is classified as a Supporter type in-game. He has a base Attack of 236, HP of 1043, and a Defense of 190. His base Defense and HP are comparatively higher compared to another operator. Stainless is a melee ranged operator that deals physical damage with his basic attack. 

arknights new event


Dagda – 5-Star Operator

Dagda is a 5-Star operator that is classified as a Brawler/Fighter type in-game. She has a base Attack of 236, HP of 1185, and a Defense of 134. Dagda’s HP is quite high compared to other similar operators. Dagda deals physical damage in the melee range with her basic attack.

arknights new event


Cliffheart – 5-Star Operator

Cliffheart is a 5-Star operator that is classified as a Specialist type in-game. She has a base Attack of 329, HP of 852, and a Defense of 148. Cliffheart has a very high HP and Attack compared to other operators of similar rarity. Cliffheart is a melee damage dealer that deals physical damage with her basic attacks. 


Paprika – 5-Star Operator

Paprika is a 5-Star operator that is classified as a Medic type in-game. She has a base Attack of 153, HP of 913, and a Defense of 74. Paprika is a ranged caster that heals allies with her basic skills.

arknights new event


Totter – 4-Star Operator

Totter is a 4-Star operator that is classified as a Sniper type in-game. He has a base Attack of 439, an HP of 706, and a Defense of 51. Totter is a ranged attacker that deals physical damag to enemies with his basic skill. 

arknights new event


That is everything to learn about the new Operators – Dagda, Stainless, Cliffheart, Paprika, and Totter that are coming with the Return of Mist event. We highly recommend you use MuMu Player for a smooth gameplay experience.

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