Artery Gear: Fusionn Guide


Artery Gear: Fusionn Guide

The Hangar is where most of the game's AFK quality of life features are located. Here you can tap into invaluable resources such as funds and EXP cat orbs without hassle!


Your Mothership is where you can house your Artery Gears and improve your relationship with them.

You can also build many other facilities here, such as bathrooms, dormitories, and cafeterias, for aesthetic and bonus purposes.


Arms ship

Your weapons ship will passively produce EXP cat orbs for you.

This ship should be one of the priority ships for upgrades once you get your hands on the ship upgrade permits.


Supply Ship

Your supply ship will generate funds passively for you.

This ship should also be prioritized - especially if you are more of a casual player who would like to claim AFK rewards often.


Science Ship

The Science Ship is where you can craft and forge equipment.

Using this ship, you can do various things like transfer stats to and from Gears or create a new Gear part altogether!

Expedition Ship

And finally, we have the expedition ship - where you can send your Artery Gears on a mission.

After a while, they'll come back with all sorts of rewards - mostly money - and they'll be ready to go on another expedition.