Black Desert Mobile: Update Notice


Black Desert Mobile: Update Notice

Added new region, East Valencia

We have arrived at the heart of the vast kingdom of Valencia, Valencia City, the capital where Aal's blessings fall.
Discover the vast and solemn palace of Valencia, a lake with mystical legends, Aalans flying lanterns with wishes, and new knowledge hidden all over the capital.

In addition, the characters of the Nesser royal family, each with their own stories, are waiting for you Adventurer.
Can the story of the Golden Key entangled with the Nesser royal family finally come to an end?

- New regions were added to East Valencia.
- Obtain new quests, titles, and knowledge related to East Valencia.

- As new areas are discovered, the frontline and secondary zones have been changed.

     ※ If a character with less than the recommended CP enters, the greater the difference in CP, the less damage they deal to monsters.

- The recommended CP of Pila Ku Torture Chamber and Pila Ku Laboring Grounds, which were the existing frontline and secondary zones, have been changed as follows.
▷ Pila Ku Torture Chamber: Recommended CP 28,000
▷ Pila Ku Torture Laboring Grounds: Recommended CP 26,500


■ Alyaelli's Rift

- Added more Boss Rush-style World Bosses via Alyaelli's Rift.
ㆍ Additional World Bosses discovered are Enraged Red Nose, Enraged Giath, Enraged Bheg, and Enraged Muskan.
- If you complete the selective quest unique to the World Boss, you can continue defeating the World Boss only with characters within your Family.
- In Alyaelli's Rift, you can enter the stage once a week regardless of the World Boss appearance time.
ㆍ Remaining Entries refresh every Monday at 00:00.
- Adventurers who have discovered Alyaelli's Rift can only enter through Alyaelli's Rift for the related boss.
- After completing the story "A Rift Splitting the World", you can perform a unique quest for each World Boss that has reached knowledge Lv 30 or higher.
ㆍYou can accept the quest by selecting the corresponding World Boss tab from World Boss Status Board icon on the right side of the mini map.
ㆍYou can only accept the quest if you have used up all remaining World Boss additional entries.
※ You can accept the quest without using additional boss passes.


■ World Boss

- Kzarka, Karanda, Nouver, Enraged Red Nose, Enraged Giath, Enraged Bheg, and Enraged Muskan's HP has been decreased.
ㆍDoes not apply for World Bosses appearing in Alyaelli's Rift.
- The maximum number of people allowed for Kzarka Shrine, Karanda Nest, Nouver Gorge, Red Nose Altar, Giath's Den, Bheg's Den, and Muskan's Temple has been reduced.
- Improvements have been made so that the Immortal Knights appear more quickly at the Red Nose Altar, Giath's Den, Bheg's Den, and Muskan Temple.
- The power of the Hwacha that can be used in the World Boss Nouver stage has been increased.

■ Spiritwalker

Developer's Comments:
Spiritwalker is a class that defeats enemies using her Celestial Bo Staff and the power of the Heavenly Beasts.

By adding the passive skill [Descent of Heavenly Beast], she can obtain an enhancement through a heavenly beast that best suits her situation, but it was difficult to use since dance skills could not be used multiple times.
It needed an improvement in a way that was simpler and more efficient while maintaining the combat style that best utilized the passive skill.

Now, [Descent of Heavenly Beast] can be applied multiple times, and by adding [Guardians' Descent], you can get all the effects of [Descent of Heavenly Beast] at the same time.
There was also disappointment that the attack action of her main skills were too long, making it both difficult to maximize damage and allowing the enemy to counterattack.

[Flow: Soar] was added to [Dance of the Red Phoenix] to increase her attack speed.
In addition, [Heaven's Fall] animation has been simplified and a Super Armor effect has been added. This, alongside adding a damage increase effect during Guardians' Descent, has made this a fast and powerful skill.
Please look forward to seeing what Spiritwalker will do on the battlefield, as she handles the power of the Heavenly Beasts, and her staff, more efficiently than ever before.

- Descent of Heavenly Beast
· [Descent of Heavenly Beast] skill duration has been changed to 5 sec. (10 sec to 5 sec).
· Improvements have been made so that other Descent of Heavenly Beast effects are applied while receiving the [Descent of Heavenly Beast] effect.
· Immune to Shock has been added to [Descent of Heavenly Beast: Red Phoenix].
· PvP Damage Received -15% has been added to [Descent of Heavenly Beast: Red Phoenix].
· Increase damage to monsters by 20% has been added to [Descent of Heavenly Beast: Blue Dragon].


▷ [Guardians' Descent] has been newly added.
- Descent of Heavenly Beast effects apply for 30 sec when using dance skills 4 times
※ The AP and DP increases from the passive skills, [Descent of Heavenly Beast] and [Guardians' Descent] are not affected by "Plunder".


- Heaven's Fall

▷ Skill moves and description have been changed.
ㆍ Hit Damage 990% x2
ㆍ PVP Damage per hit 841.5% x2
ㆍ Super Armor while using skill
ㆍ Not applied when entering Arena
ㆍ Knock-up on hit
▷ It has been improved so that "Increase Attack Range" and "Increase Damage 100%" applies during [Guardians' Descent].


- Dance of the Red Phoenix
▷ [Flow: Soar] has been added.
· Increase Attack Speed

- Shell Shock
· Improvements have been made so that Invincibility is applied on grab.

- Heavenly Beasts' Blessing
· Improvements have been made so that [Guardians' Descent] is applied and its duration will be reset upon skill use.

■ Sage
- Improvements have been made so that the target of the hit does not change by increasing the time to change the direction when using [Pocket Distortion].

■ Lotus
- Changed so that [Evasive Strike] is not chosen via auto-equip.

■ Spiritwalker
- Changed so that [Dragon Fang], [Shell Shock], [Leaping Tiger] are not chosen via auto-equip.

■ Titan
- Falling Rock
· Adjusted so that [Flow: Instill Fear] matches the attack range effect.
· Improved so that [Falling Rock Hit Damage 400%] is applied to [Flow: Instill Fear]. (350% to 400%)

- Earthshatter
· Improved so that [Earthshatter 120%] is applied to [Flow: Additional Attack].

- Lava Piercer
· It has been improved so that [Lava Piercer Hit Damage 400%] is applied to [Flow: Instill Fear]. (350% to 400%)

- Raging Thunder
· PvP skill damage has been adjusted.
Lv 1 435% x9 -> 391.5% x9
Lv 10 565.5% x9 -> 508.95% x9

- Piledriver
· Cooldown time has increased by 3 sec. (12 sec to 15 sec)

■ Destroyer
- Fire Bomb
· After using the skill, the time available for additional attacks has been reduced.
· Changed to apply Super Armor instead of invincibility when entering Arena.

- Overheat
· Improvements have been made so that Overheat is applied for 15 sec when using the skill 3 times.

■ Nova
- Fixed the issue in which Nova's [Flow: Frostbite March] skill was not applied intermittently in Battlefield of the Sun and large-scale battles,
- Fixed the issue of the front guard effect being applied instead of Super Armor when using [Assault] of [Glacial Burst] and [Frenzied Bishop].

■ Shai
- Added [Musical Genius] skill description.

■ Battle of the Sun
- Battle of the Sun match time has been updated to 15 minutes from 20 minutes.
※ Added on 12/13

■ Treasure
- Amount of food gained with Navarn's Seed has been increased.
▷ Before: Takes 1 hour to harvest. Gain 300 food.
▷ Now: Takes 1 hour to harvest. Gain 600 food.

■ Kunoichi
- Her posture has been changed in the appearance shop and dye screen.

■ Palette
- The names of some dyeing palette items have been corrected.
Palette: Vivid Forest to Matt Vivid Forest
Palette: Apple Green to Matt Apple Green

■ Alchemy Lab
- Fixed a issue where inventory space would not display in the lower right corner of Alchemy Lab > Enhance Alchemy Stone.

■ Awakening/Ascension
- Fixed the issue where invalid entries were exposed in the changed skill list on the right side of the Awakening/Ascension result screen.

■ Beauty Album
- The "Title" item will be removed from the Beauty Album during the scheduled maintenance on December 14.

■ Starting Events
CalpheON Ball Special Login Event
· After maintenance on Dec 7 - until Dec 20 (Mon), 23:59
CalpheON Ball: Prepare Food for the CalpheON Ball!
· After maintenance on Dec 7 - until maintenance on Dec 21 (Tue)
2nd Anniversary Special D-Day Gift
· After maintenance on Dec 7 - until Dec 20 (Mon), 23:59
2nd Anniversary 3x3 Art Puzzle Event
· After maintenance on Dec 7 - until Dec 13 (Mon), 23:59
2nd Anniversary BDM Collection Event
· After maintenance on Dec 7 - until maintenance on Dec 21 (Tue)
2nd Anniversary BDM Birthday Candle Event
· After maintenance on Dec 7 - until Dec 20 (Mon), 23:59
2nd Anniversary Hero of Karkea
· After maintenance on Dec 7 - until maintenance on Dec 21 (Tue)
2nd Anniversary Hot Time Server
· After maintenance on Dec 7 - until Jan 2 (Sun), 23:59

■ Ending Events
Nelydormin's Special Missions
Special Black Spirit's Adventure
Bavao's Daily Missions
Destroy the Asula Bandits!
November Special Relay Mission!

※ Products with a sales period marked [TBA] will be announced separately through future Patch Notes listed under the [Sales Ending] section.
※ For products with a set sales period, go to the Pearl Shop in-game and view the products.

■ New Items
- 2nd Anniversary 1+1 Lucky Shop
· 2nd Anniversary Best Sellers Pack I
· 2nd Anniversary Best Sellers Pack II
· 2nd Anniversary Best Sellers Pack III
· 2nd Anniversary Best Sellers Pack IV