Call of Antia First Anniversary with new hero and events


Call of Antia First Anniversary with new hero and events

FunPlus has planned an entire first-anniversary celebration for Call of Antia, which includes loads of new content and legendary heroes that can be recruited via the Summon Pool. In addition to this, the Endless Trial event will challenge players with completing numerous quests in exchange for rewards and a brand new hero, Luna, joins the fray too.

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In the Endless Trial event in Call of Antia, players must consume Energy Points in order to attain a Trial Certificate. This in turn will be used to unlock the Endless Trial Quests. On completion of these challenges, players will get their hands on Trial Points which can be traded in for multiple rewards at the event store.


The other awesome addition is the new hero, Luna, a 5-star Blue Hero of Idrith Forest. Luna uses a unique weapon called the Moonlight which enhances a number of her attributes and that of those around her as it boosts dodging capabilities of nearby allies and increases Mana gain by 30% for three turns after using a skill. She has already joined the Dark Legion and will continue to be available until February 15th.

On top of all this, the update also introduces another new season of Tower of Illusion. This one goes live in a few days, on February 9th and will run until the 16th. Players will be given a choice between three difficulties, based on which the progress and ranking rewards will be calculated. Do note that participating in this event requires players to have cleared campaigns 7-9.


Celebrate Call of Antia's first anniversary and add Luna to your squad by downloading the game now for free using your preferred link below.


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