Cookie Run Version 4.14 "Icicle Yeti's Winter Song" Get Released


Cookie Run Version 4.14 "Icicle Yeti's Winter Song" Get Released

Cookie Run: Kingdom brand new version 4.14 titled "Icicle Yeti's Winter Song" went live on November 22, 2023. It is a direct continuation to the new Chesse Kingdom patch, which allows us to meet new charcters and immerse in exicting limited events.

cookie run version 4.14 update


The new update is also full of surprises, with new Cookies, new Episodes, Limited Events, Treasures, and more! Let's see some details of the version together.


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New Cookies

Icicle Yeti Cookie

  • Rarity: Special
  • Type: Healing
  • Position: Front


Icicle Yeti Cookie buffs the allies and periodically restores their HP. They will assume the yeti form, jump towards the nearest enemy, and create a Shield of Ice to protect them. The Shield of Ice will absorb a portion of all incoming direct non-periodic damage and make the team resistant to Freezing. Then, the Icicle Yeti Cookie will return to its position and deal a portion of the damage received in the Yeti form with an icicle attack.

cookie run version 4.14 update


New Permanent Features

Crystal Jam: Frost Queen

It functions the same way as a Magic Candy, where kits and multipliers are significantly buffed up if Cookies equip. You can upgrade your Cookies' skills or unlock new effects for a stronger and unique performance.


Sea Fairy Cookie and Black Pearl Cookie are the first two to unlock their Crystal Jam. You can unleash the powers sealed by the Darkness and grant Ancient, Legendary, and Dragon Cookies with new powers!


Also, you can select a leader for your team and unlock the Rally Effects. Select the Cookie with Crystal Jam as the leader, and the Rally Effect will be automatically applied.

cookie run version 4.14 update


Crystal Jam Effect "Eternal Frost"

The power of the Crystal Jam changes Frost Queen Cookie's skill and makes her immune to ATK SPD changes. The Cookie calls forth a Blizzard, dealing damage and causing Frost. The final hit of the skill will bring a Shard of Eternal Frost upon the enemies, dealing DMG and Freezing them. Enemies immune to Freezing will become Chilled, and once they lose the immunity, they will become Frozen.


Rally Effect

Team's Ice-type DMG: +n%, Freeze n% chance when all allies deal Ice-type DMG to a Frost target· Freeze Duration: n sec· DMG After Freeze: n% of Frost Queen Cookie's ATK.


Ascended Effect

  • ★1A: Frost Queen Cookie's HP Up·
  • ★2A: Frost Queen Cookie's DEF Up·
  • ★3A: Frost Queen Cookie's ATK Up·
  • ★4A: Frost Queen Cookie's DMG Resist Up·
  • ★5A: Gains Curse Protection upon entering the battle, additional Curse Protection every n sec.


Trial Grounds

A new Trial Ground has been added. You can gather Life Jewels to craft and upgrade Frost Queen Cookie's Crystal Jam in "Permafrost Plains."

cookie run version 4.14 update


New Toppings: Frosted Crystal Toppings

  • Frosted Crystal Raspberry
  • Frosted Crystal Chocolate Chip
  • Frosted Crystal Almond
  • Frosted Crystal Caramel
  • Frosted Crystal Apple Jelly


Note: Only specific Cookies can equip the new Frosted Crystal Toppings. Find out which Cookies can equip the Toppings in Topping Details.· The set effect of Toppings will activate regardless of whether they're regular or Resonant Toppings, as long as all of the Toppings equipped are of the same set.


When the Bonus effect of resonant toppings is enhanced, Resonant Toppings have a higher minimum Bonus Stat value than regular Toppings. Additional bonus effects of Resonant Toppings may differ from those of regular Toppings.

cookie run version 4.14 update


Pavilion of Promise

Pavilion of Promise is a magnum opus built by Maestro Sugar Gnome, where allows you to meet new friends. You will require Purity Crystals or other Special Items to fill the meter. There is a certain chance that you will meet the Cookie without having to fill the meter all the way up. Three new regular attempts will be added every midnight and accumulate up until a total of 15 attempts.


There is a higher chance to obtain Cookies when you use their Special Items. The probability of meeting Cookies will increase according to the number of points on the meter. Once you have obtained the Cookie, the point meter will reset. However, if you have exceeded the maximum number of points, the surplus will be carried over to the next cycle.

cookie run version 4.14 update


Above are the details about the Cookie Run Kingdom Version 4.14 update. For more gaming news and guides, please bookmark MuMu's blog page!