Dislyte is a turn-based adventure role-playing game set in the year 2027. In this game, you need to assemble a group of heroes to battle the evil who wreaks havoc on the city. Dislyte has excellent graphics, a unique soundtrack, and gameplay that is based on sound. It's all about gathering, developing teams, training heroes (called Espers), and engaging in tactical combat.
We've assembled a list of all active Dislyte codes in this article that may be used to get free in-game goodies, like gems, cube stones, supply packs, and more other items. Make sure to use them as soon as possible because of time limit.

- dislyteytb50k - 10,000 gold, 50x nexus crystals
- JoinDislyte - gold record, 100x nexus crystals
- AviveHD - 100,000 gold, 50x nexus crystals, three-star rare starimon, 4x basic experimon
- LingBigYong - 100,000 gold, 50x nexus crystals, 5x basic divine wave packs
- JontronShow - 100,000 gold, 50 nexus crystals, 2x three-star rare abilimon
- StSkiCrimax- 100,000 gold, 8-hour XP booster, stamina supply pack
- TGTyoutube - three-star rare starimon, 4x basic experimon, 50x nexus crystals, 8-hour XP boost
- Launch Dislyte and click on the player avatar icon located at the upper left corner of the screen
- Clicking on the avatar icon will open Squad Space
- Click on the settings button (It's located at the bottom right-hand side of the screen)
- Go to services and click on the gift code button located at the bottom of the menu
- A new window will open, now copy and paste any of the active Dislyte codes from above in the text area and click on confirm button to claim your free reward
Redeem Dislyte codes on MuMu now!