Eversoul: Characters and Core Skills


Eversoul: Characters and Core Skills

Characters in Eversoul belong to one of 6 factions: Humans, Beasts, Fairy, Undead, Angels and Demons. While the first 4 factions are part of the classic 'elemental' wheel and they counter each other, Angels and Demons are this game's Light/Dark faction. They are rarer and harder to raise up, but provide you with some unique benefits.

Also, each character that you can obtain in the game belongs to one of three rarity tiers: common, rare and epic. Here MuMu Player will tell you more!



Common characters (green) will be rarely used even at the start of the game and will be discarded for a currency that you can use in a shop.

Rare characters (blue) will be used in the early game, but Epic characters will soon start replacing them. Still, Rare characters have an important function - they can be upgraded to Epic rarity (and higher) and then be used as fodder to upgrade the rarity of your Epic characters.

Epic characters (purple) will form the core of your team once you obtain them, but getting a single copy of them isn't enough. Why? We will explain below.

eversoul character


Each character also has 5 skills:

  • Ultimate - the strongest skill of a character, but all characters in the team share the ultimate bar, so you have to decide who should use the Ultimate skill (and on auto-battle, you can set-up the order),
  • Active - the active skill can be used once a character's MP reaches 100%. It's not as impactful as the Ultimate, but each character in the team will use their Active skill the moment it becomes available (or you can use them manually too),
  • Sub - there are 2 sub skills that are used automatically by the character. While in other games, the sub-skills are usually tied to a cooldown, in Eversoul they are proc based which means every time the character attacks, she has a chance to use one of her sub-skills,
  • Passive - and lastly, there's a passive skill that either affects the character itself or her allies/enemies.

eversoul character skill


You will obtain additional stats when you use more characters from the same faction:

  • Have 3 characters from the same faction in the team - +10% ATK and +10% HP,
  • Have 5 characters each from different faction in the team - +10% ATK and +10% HP,
  • Have 3 characters from the same faction in the team and 2 from a different faction - +15% ATK and +15% HP,
  • Have 4 characters from the same faction in the team - +20% ATK and +20% HP,
  • Have 5 characters from the same faction in the team - +25% ATK and +25% HP.


Angel and Demon factions break the above rules though. If you add an Angel faction character to your team, it will act as if it belongs to the faction you have most characters of in the team. For example, if you have 3x Undead, 1x Fairy and 1x Angel, you will get the 4 faction bonus as the Angel character will be treated as Undead.

As for the Demon faction - they don't interact with other factions, but provide bonuses based on the number of Demon characters in the team:

  • 1x Demon - +15% ATK
  • 2x Demon - +15% ATK, +10% Crit chance
  • 3x Demon - +15% ATK, +10% Crit chance, +20% Crit dmg
  • 4x Demon - +20% ATK, +15% Crit chance, +25% Crit dmg
  • 5x Demon - +25% ATK, +20% Crit chance, +30% Crit dmg

eversoul character skill


But what's different from other idle games is that in Eversoul you can also set a Formation and depending on your choice, you will get different bonus stats.

There are 4 formations you can choose:

  • 3 back + 2 front - front characters get +9% DEF and HP, and back characters get +6% ATK
  • 2 back + 3 front - front characters get +6% DEF and HP, and back characters get +9% ATK
  • 4 back + 1 front - front character gets +16% DEF and HP, and back characters get +4% ATK
  • 1 back + 4 front - front characters get +4% DEF and HP, and back character gets +16% ATK


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