Fire Emblem Heroes Tier List: Blue Heroes


Fire Emblem Heroes Tier List: Blue Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) as an popular tacticle RPG allows players to take control of a team of four heroes and battle against enemies of varying sizes. Choosing a good team composition can be the key to success, it's important to know which heroes are the most effective.

fire emblem heroes tier list


MuMu's FEH Tier List will guide you to learn which heroes are the best for your team. Let's have a look together!


There are four colors of heroes in the game: blue, red, green, and grey. The game features a rock-paper-scissor-type system of advantages and disadvantages between them. In this article, we'll first focus on the blue heroes.


Blue Heroes Tier List

Tier SS

Winter Edelgard, Winter Cordelia, Ascended Idunn, Young Palla, Valentine's Rudolf, Brave Hector, Brave Dimitri, Legendary Dimitri, New Year Alfonse, Halloween Tiki (Young), Legendary Azura, Seiros, Legendary Chrom

fire emblem heroes tier list bluefire emblem heroes tier list bluefire emblem heroes tier list blue


Tier S

New Year Seiðr, Ratatoskr, Tea Sigurd, Brave Gullveig, Rearmed Plumeria, Rearmed Ingrid, Young Mark, Vanessa, Legendary Shez (F), Halloween Corrin (F), Brave Chrom, Summer Thorr, Legendary Myrrh, Bridal Lilina, Fallen Dimitri, Hatari Karla, Legendary Fae, Kris (F), Ullr, Duo Ephraim, Brave Lucina, Brave Eirika, Summer Ingrid, Forsyth, Duessel, Legendary Julia, Ophelia, Fallen Corrin (M), Legendary Tiki (Young), Ninja Navarre, Pirate Surtr, Brave Eliwood, Picnic Lukas, Winter Ephraim, Lilith, Gatrie, Peony, Guinivere, Plegian Katarina, Reinhardt, Young Tana, Tsubasa, Selena, Legendary Lucina, Nifl, Ronan, Apotheosis Anna, Soiree Berkut, Masquerade, ldigan, Hardin, Summer Laegjarn, Petrine, Dimitri, Legendary Ephraim, Melady, Perceval, Naga, Summer Lyn, Spring Est, Sirius, Masquerade Quan, Winter Nino, Naesala, Nailah, Jorge, Nils, New Year Velouria, Winter Felix, Winter Hilda, Halloween Ilyana

fire emblem heroes tier list bluefire emblem heroes tier list bluefire emblem heroes tier list blue


Tier A

Halloween Timerra, Ninja Zelgius, Freyr, Arion, Febail, Eitr, Summer Shamir, Summer Shez (M), Fallen Anankos, Spring Bernadetta, Gilliam, Sage Byleth (M), Alfred, New Year Ash, Caeldori, Monica, Flame Tribe Lyn, Jeralt, Thief Cath, Valentian Est, Summer Claude, Sain, Fallen Ninian, Ascended Ishtar, Spring Delthea, Legendary Caeda, Valentine's Owain, New Year Reginn, Winter Mirabilis, Marcia, Ninja Corrin (M), Halloween Sothis, Seteth, Valentine's Lyn, Altena, Brunnya, Kana (M), Geese, Rinea, Ferdinand, Ishtar, Ilyana, Gwendolyn, Fjorm, Kjelle, Est, Valentine's Eliwood, Adrift Corrin (M), Corrin (F), Cordelia, Spring Narcian, Clair, Fallen Delthea, Fallen Berkut, Camus, Summer Camilla, Petra, Summer Lute, Panne, Hoshidan Summer Ryoma, Summer Norne, Robin (M), Fiora, Selkie, Nowi, Bridal Ninian, Halloween Niles, Rafiel, Micaiah, Hapi, Veyle

fire emblem heroes tier list bluefire emblem heroes tier list bluefire emblem heroes tier list blue


Tier B

Mycen, New Year Kana (F), Noah, Bridal Say'ri, Vigarde, Geoffrey, Valentine's Takumi, Chloé, New Year Yarne, Matthis, Cervantes, Karin, Spring Luthier, Miriel, Roshea, Halloween Sophia, Mae, Lute, Lukas, Scion Lewyn, Linde, A'Arachel, Kliff, Death Knight, Hinoka, Cormag, Florina, Abel, Finn, Cynthia, Galle, Ephraim, Effie, Donnel, Delthea, Sigrun, Ylgr, Summer Corrin (F), Summer Cordelia, Valter, Tanith, Ursula, Pent, Tana, Spring Catria, Catria, Tailtiu, Spring Marisa, Sumia, Berkut, Silas, Shiro, Azura, Shigure, Performing Shigure, New Year Laegjarn, Sharena, Shanna, Hostile Springs Ryoma, Mordecai, Saias, Heath, Roderick, Winter Robin, Travant, Quan, Peri, Oscar, Olwen, Valentine's Soren, Oboro, Ninian, Conrad, Nephenee, Thea, Valbar, Morgan (F)

fire emblem heroes tier list blue


Above are all the information about the tier list for blue heroes in Fire Emblem Heroes. For more gaming news and guides, welcome to bookmark MuMu's blog page!