Kemono Friends Kingdom Beginner Guide: Radiances and Friend


Kemono Friends Kingdom Beginner Guide: Radiances and Friend

Check out our Kemono Friends: Kingdom Beginner Guide where we cover Radiances and Friend Positions. And don't forget to visit our Kemono Friends Kingdom Codes page for fantastic rewards.



Discover the different Natures that Friends possess, which determine their abilities and roles in battles.  In Kemono Friends Kingdom, each Friend possesses a specific Nature that determines their strengths and weaknesses in battle.  Here's a breakdown of the Natures:


  • Brilliance Nature restrains Splendor Nature, so Friends with this Nature are effective against Ceruleans with Splendor Nature. 
  • Conversely, Wonder Nature restrains Brilliance Nature, providing an advantage for Friends against Ceruleans with Brilliance Nature. 
  • Finally, Splendor Nature restrains Wonder Nature, making Friends with this Nature effective against Ceruleans with Wonder Nature. When facing a Cerulean, consider utilizing Friends with the appropriate Nature to maximize your chances of victory. By comprehending the connections between these Natures, you can develop strategies and select the appropriate Friends for each encounter.



Friend Positions in Kemono Friends Kingdom

Forming a well-balanced team is crucial to effectively defeat the Cerulean Boss in Kemono Friends Kingdom. In the game, Friends occupy specific positions, each with their own distinct roles and abilities. Let's delve into the various positions:



In Kemono Friends Kingdom, Friend Positions correspond to distinct roles within your team. There are five positions: Guard, Assault, Support, Control, and Healer, each with a specific task and unique contributions to combat. Guards excel at defending and shielding the team, while Assault Friends deal the most damage. Support Friends possess abilities that can turn the tide of battle in your favor, while Control Friends impede the enemy's attacks. Healers concentrate on restoring health and maintaining your team's strength.



Guard: Friends occupying the Guard position reinforce the team's defense and erect shields to withstand damage from the Cerulean Boss. Use Guard Friends strategically to endure the Boss's fury. Some early-game Guard Friends include Hippopotamus, Aurochs, and Black Rhinoceros.


Assault: Assault Friends serve as the primary damage dealers on your team. They unleash potent Miracles to inflict massive damage on the Cerulean. Coordinate your Assault Friends to attack after Support Friends to maximize damage output.


Weasel is a prime example of an Assault Friend, and early 6-star Friends such as Serval and White Rhinoceros from the beginner pool are excellent Assaulters.



Support: While Support Friends may not inflict significant damage, they possess abilities that can alter the course of battle. Support Friends boost the output ability of other Friends by providing various Miracle effects based on their Natures. Use multiple Support miracles in one round to enhance your team's performance. Common Dolphin and Plains Zebra are typical Support Friends.


Control: Control Friends play a critical role in battles by decreasing the Cerulean's attacks and limiting the damage inflicted on subsequent Friends.

Control Friends are crucial for shielding your team, particularly against formidable Cerulean Bosses. American Beaver and Jaguar are examples of Control Friends, and they usually take action first in most situations.


Healer: While Heal Friends do not directly attack Ceruleans, they serve as backup for your team. Heal Friends replenish the health of other Friends and possess unique abilities waiting to be discovered. Employ Heal Friends strategically and reserve their miracles for when your team's health is low. Chevrotain and Mouflon are early-game Support Friends with healing abilities.



Remember to consider the Natures and positions of Friends when constructing your team to ensure a balanced and effective strategy.