Lost Light Beginners Guide


Lost Light Beginners Guide


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Lost Light is the latest Action game developed by Netease Games, a different take on their other similar-style shooter, Badlanders. The graphics and the abundance of content are advanced  because this new game seems to  be  more oriented for the high-end next-gen mobile devices. If your mobile phone can't run it smoothly, you can play lost light on pc with MuMu player.

The game  is a little bit difficult for beginners to play because it contains a lot of information and lots of content.  But don't worrry, this Lost Light beginners guide would conclude all you need to know before playing this brand new spotlight Netease game. Let's get started!

1.Pre-Game Preparations

Lost Light doesn't like other shooting games, dropping players onto the map, with empty hands, and task them to look for weapons and survive. However, it allows players to buy guns from a virtual shop with in-game cash. Then you can start the game, without having to scavenge against the RNG to get usable loot, although that is still an option. Make sure you take advantage of this feature, having a good gun at the ready could be the absolute difference-maker.

2.Picking your Soldier

Lost Light offers 2 types of soldier groups for players to join. Both groups have different abilities and different jobs.

(1) Firefly

This is the soldier you can pick straight from the start of the game. As for fireflies,  you will be tasked with invading the Marauder's territory and collecting items for survival. Fireflies can pick any kind of equipment before heading out for battle and can also play the match without any energy expenses. However, firefly soldiers fight alone. You have no allies here, so not only Marauders but Firefly soldiers can and will try to kill you.

(2) Marauder

This soldier can be unlocked after Level 3 and is the more advanced out of the 2 types. Pick this class if you feel comfortable using any gun, as the game will grant you a random load-out before the match, with no option to customize. In addition, this class consumes energy too. Unlike Firefly, they have allies on the field, and their only enemy is the Firefly soldiers. 

3.Earning Money from Looting

The whole big idea of the game is to bump up your cash balance.The guns, ammo, consumables, etc, all stay with your character and you can sell those things for cash. Alternatively, the guns you collect can be stored in your “hideout” and you can use them instead of buying loot for pre-match prep.

4.Tips and Tricks

(1)Wisely pick your pre-game loadout

(2) Learn the map inside-out

Everything from the loot-spots, spawn points, hidden areas, and the general logistics too. 

(3) Fight with intelligence

(4)Manage your health carefully

 At your lobby base, you can view all your health stats mapped around a diagram of the human body. Players must make sure that all stats are at a sufficient level as otherwise, it can create huge handicaps.

(5)Don't just depend on Weapons; use tactics and strategy to fight

(6)Healing your enemies

 It's a risky thing to do mainly because it is really hard to trust someone. As a firefly soldier, you get the choice to either eliminate or heal the person you just knocked down. They might become your ally, but this strategy might backfire, too.

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