LoTR: Heroes of Middle-earth™ Tier List


LoTR: Heroes of Middle-earth™ Tier List

LoTR: Heroes of Middle-earth™ is the game that takes you into a world that has discovered a new ring and the power needs to be used or handled to the evil. Take on the roles of legendary figures, travel through dangerous terrain, and set out on a grand journey that will put your bravery, acumen for strategy, and combat prowess to the test. The Lord of the Rings: Heroes of Middle-earth Tier List will help you to choose and play with the best characters. You can also click here to read the beginner guide we've prepared for you!

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The LoTR: Heroes of Middle-earth Character Tier List is designed to assist players in selecting their character squad. By categorizing characters, players can more easily distinguish between them. Characters are grouped into the following classifications: SS, S, A, B, and C. Let's explore each category and find the characters that fit into them.

lotr heroes of middle earth tier list


  • SS: Halbarad, Bolg, Ghâzh Ironhide,Gruhúr the Brute
  • S: Éothain, Lady Éowyn, Strider, Shagrat, Uglúk
  • A: Elrohir, Éomer, Fíli, Herendil, Kíli, Mírie, Pippin Took Azhak, Dûnhar, Mauhúr, Núrraz, Rókma, The Great Goblin, Tordok

lotr heroes of middle earth tier list


  • B: Fró, Frodo Baggins, Merry Brandybuck, Wilfwyn, Alreda the Chieftain, Chef Krazhkà, Eddric, Golburz, Grimlurz, Grîmpa, Orfurz, Robel, Úzhan, Wexxe, Wubete, Yeftu
  • C: Aeldred, Leliel,Lómion, Náremiri, Sam Gamgee, Sergeant Ára Morzhà

lotr heroes of middle earth tier list


Therefore, it is important to choose your character wisely and strive to push your gameplay to its limits. By doing so, you can unlock more powerful characters. The more you play the game, the more familiar you become with each character, allowing you to make informed decisions about which ones to play with.

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