MARVEL Future Fight: Gameplay and Battle Guide


MARVEL Future Fight: Gameplay and Battle Guide

MARVEL Future Fight - this is a game where the player needs to collect and swing heroes for passing certain stages of the game. All characters are taken from the Marvel universe. Here you can play for any superhero or villain from films, cartoons, comics and TV shows. The storyline of the game repeats some moments from the cinema of the universe, the connection between key events is clearly traced. For example, some updates related to the Battle of Infinity or First Avenger.


The game has about 200 heroes available. Some of them are frankly weak and are only going to create other strong characters.

MARVEL Future Fight: Gameplay and Battle Guide

Storyline campaign

The game begins with the appearance of Thor in Manhattan, where he is met by the Black Panther and the Black Thunder. Obviously, a massive invasion took place on Earth, and Thor enters the battle with numerous rivals.This is a kind of training, where they offer the player to get acquainted with the mechanics and movements in the game.


At the start of the game you get a team of Tony Stark - Iron Man, Steve Rogers - Captain America and Natasha Romanoff - Black Widow. Next, the player is invited to begin the passage of the story mission. To enter the Campaign you need to click on the "Login" button in the lower right corner


After completing the stage, the player will be asked to choose a character who, after complete completion of training, will reach level 50 and receive 6 stars of skill. Training is conducted in the story campaign. It also tells the story of the gaming universe.

Passing the Campaign is not difficult. The main rule is not to fall under the rays, arrows and skills of opponents.There is a separation of heroes into types, according to which a certain advantage is given in battles. The dominant type hits the corresponding opponent harder. There are 4 types of heroes in total:


  • High - speed - characters quickly move across the field, have good evasion from enemy attacks, and dominate the combat type of heroes.
  • Combat - fighters of contact melee, have good defense, and dominate the shock type of heroes.
  • Shock - heroes hit at a distance, have a lot of damage, dominate the speed type.
  • Universal - has balanced characteristics, equally hits all characters and there is no dominant type over it.


For example, Tony Stark belongs to the shock type of characters, so he will hit Bucky Barnes (the Winter Soldier) with an attack of 120%, but Bucky himself will deal 80% of the total damage to Tony. But both of them will hit the universal Thunder God Thor 100%.

MARVEL Future Fight: Gameplay and Battle Guide


Battles in the game are colorful and dynamic. Heroes can move around the battlefield and evade enemy fire and skills. You can take 3 fighters to the battle team, who enter the field in turn. The first, by default, is the team leader. Then the player can change the characters depending on the situation


Some heroes have leadership skills that give positive effects to all allies throughout the battle. When choosing a leader, this hero skill should be considered.


Also, many warriors have skills that in passive mode (that is, permanent and do not require activation of the player) give positive skills to the entire group in the battle. These abilities can increase the level of attack or defense, restore health to allies. Passive skills provide certain advantages, they must be taken into account, and a team should be selected based on these skills.


If the hero dies in the battle, some characters can resurrect him, some not. If there are no resurrecting characters, then the warrior cannot be raised. Heroes like the Phoenix themselves can resurrect themselves.

MARVEL Future Fight: Gameplay and Battle Guide


Legendary battles

Legendary battles are divided into several stories taken from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The stories themselves are divided into chapters. A feature of this battle is the passage of chapters by certain characters.Some stories are divided into normal mode and extreme. After going through the story in normal mode, the extreme opens (it is more complicated and may contain a different number of chapters than normal mode). To pass the extreme mode, you must activate it for crystals.


In each chapter, to receive a reward, you must complete certain tasks.


In normal mode, tasks are easy. For the performance given gold, chests (from which you can get good things). For completing extreme sports, players receive cards, crystals, obelisks of Heaven and other very useful items.


Passage Stories:

  • Thor. Ragnarok - according to experienced players, this story is the most interesting of all the proposed battles.Here are some good rewards. Contains 5 chapters.
  • Black Panther - has 2 modes: game and extreme. In this story, buying extreme mode pays for itself. Contains 3 chapters in each mode. This extreme is advised to buy first.
  • Avengers. Infinity War is not a very interesting adventure, it has 2 modes. Extreme does not give good rewards, only 1 mythical map and heavenly obelisk. You can leave the passage in extreme to the later stages of the game.Most tasks are connected with pumping a not very important hero (except Bucky), pass at the discretion.
  • Man is an ant and a wasp. Avengers - there are 2 modes. Extreme costs 2500 crystals. Of course, you could not buy this mode, but here in chapter 2 you can earn a set of celestial obelisks to choose from. This is very cool, because you can choose the necessary TOP and rare set. But for this it is necessary to increase the suit of the Giant - Ultron Pim to the mythical.
  • Captain Marvel.
  • Spider-Man Away from home .
  • Avengers: Final.

MARVEL Future Fight: Gameplay and Battle Guide

The last three stories are interesting, have 2 difficulty modes, in which you can get a character’s leveling card for 6 stars, celestial obelisks and return some of the crystals. But you can complete these missions in the later stages of the game.

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