My Hero Ultra Impact Begginer Guide


My Hero Ultra Impact Begginer Guide

My Hero Ultra Impact has eccentric cast of heroes and villains, allowing players to form their own teams to fight their enemies. Players can bring up to 5 units into battle, with 3 characters on the front line and 2 characters as substitutes. 

Therefore, this guide will recommend some of the best team combinations that you can start the game as the main 3-player team in My Hero Ultra Impact. 

1.Mono Green (Ochaco + Todoroki + Hawks)


This is noticeable as the only color in the tutorial that re-scrolls with 3 URs. Ochaco acts as a healer and boosts the attack power of the entire team when everyone is green. The Eagles provide dodge and deal decent damage, while Todoroki acts as your primary damage dealer, with a burning and freezing side. Overall, this team is hard to kill while also offering strong offensive options due to the support of Todoroki and the Eagles.

2.Blue Momo + Blue Bakugo + Green Todoroki

Kacchan plays the role of the damage dealer, as both Momo and Todoroki are here to make sure he can hit insane numbers. Blue Momo helps strengthen its Blue classmate Bakugo while also providing therapy and filling the Plus Ultra scale. Todoroki can set up Bakugo by freezing enemies for Bakugo to guarantee a critical hit, while also providing extra damage.


3.Green Ochaco + Green Todoroki + Blue Bakugo

While not as synergistic as the previous team, the combination of Bakugo and Todoroki is still very effective. Ochaco helps the team stay healthy, while Todoroki and Bakugo both provide beats. You can use this as your starting team before getting other green and blue units to diversify in the future.


>>>You can also play My Hero Ultra Impact on a big screen  with high FPS and grafic quality by using the best Andriod Emulator-MuMu Player!好爱你好爱你好爱你

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