Neural Cloud New Character - Nascita Arrives!


Neural Cloud New Character - Nascita Arrives!

Girls' Frontline: Neural Cloud has introduced the new ★3 doll "Nascita" and the ★3 unique "Puzzle" that will be implemented in the global version of the event "Inverted Mordent Resonance". During the event (2023/03/08-04/05), a new ★3 fighter "Nascita" and a ★3 unique "Puzzle" will be implemented. Both can be obtained by the Targeted Search.

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New doll ★3 "Nascita" will be implemented. Nascita is available in Targeted Search - [Shadow of Night City]. Nascita is a high DPS fighter in a function chain environment, and Puzzle is a unique summoning tank, both of which are very good. If possible, I would like to get both dolls.

Passive Skills

After performing 5 normal attacks, Nashita will be in a "stormy" state. Lasts up to 5 normal attacks.

  • "Typhoon": The interval between normal attacks is greatly reduced, and after normal attacks, moves to the next target near the target. During the status effect, normal attack damage is reduced by 50%, and the attack target is given 1 stack of "Lupacy" effect. Autoskill cannot be activated during the effect.
  • "Lupus": When the effect is applied, deals definite damage equal to 80% of attack power to the target, reduces maximum HP by 80% of attack power, and applies 1 stack of "Heavy Wound" effect. Max 10 stacks.
  • "Heavy Wound": Healing effect -5%, max 10 stacks, debuff.

neural cloud new character nascita


Auto: Charge 7 seconds: CD 12 seconds
Inflicts physical damage equal to 700% of attack power to the current target and adds 3 stacks of "Lupacy" effect. +30% skill damage if the target has an HP shield.


Clutch shot

You will be in the "Hero Star" state. Lasts 10 seconds.

"Hero's Main Field": Attack speed +75%, add 1 stack of "Lupacy" to normal attack. Increases the number of times the typhoon lasts by 5 when entering the typhoon state while in the 'hero's main field' state. Recharges skill charge by 30% when autoskill is activated.

neural cloud new character nascita


A fighter that can output top-class DPS under high-function chain situations. In terms of versatility, I will give up to Hatsugumi, but if you are making a fighter formation, you can't remove it. Every 5 normal attacks activates passive and 5 high-speed attacks. Normal attack damage is reduced, but instead fixed damage and debuff are applied. During the activation, each attack will teleport to the side of the enemy while attacking, so it will move around the field at a dizzying pace and spread damage. In addition to physical damage equal to 700% of attack power, auto skill outputs stable damage to enemies with high defense power with 240% fixed damage.

neural cloud new character nascita


Her passive and special moves accelerate her normal attacks, so her greatest strength is the high frequency of functions that trigger her normal attacks (same as Betty around here). It is also compatible with deadly blows centered on fatal blows. In the algorithm, extend the critical rate / critical damage to extend the damage dealt during normal attacks.


That's everything about Neural Cloud's brand-new character Nascita. Click here to know more about Neural Cloud!>>All the latest news and guides about Neural Cloud

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