Tips and Tricks for OUTERPLANE


Tips and Tricks for OUTERPLANE

Outerplane is a brand new 3D turn-based RPG set in the fantasized universe of Mirhsa continent and showcases some epic battles as the forces of good stand up against chaos. In this article, we will be giving out some helpful tips and tricks for Outerplane. 

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Re-rolling to Get a Strong Start

We recommend using your summoning currency on the current Rate-Up Recruitment banner that will feature a new hero. Try to get the featured 3-Star hero and if you are unable to get them, simply restart your progress and re-roll. Make sure to first do the summons on the Rate-Up recruitment banner and only proceed to summon on the Infinite Recruitment banner if you manage to get the featured hero from the Rate-up banner. This will save you a lot of time and effort. 

outerplane tips and tricks


Progress Through the Adventure Mode

Players need to complete the different adventure mode chapters to be able to unlock these game modes. Locked content always spells trouble as you are missing out on free resources and gameplay experiences. One of the best examples of locked content is the Gear Dungeons and the Arena. Both of them are locked behind Chapter 3 and 4 of the Adventure mode, respectively. 

outerplane tips and tricks


Apart from unlocking more content for you, the adventure mode is also the core hub for obtaining more resources. For players who are not aware, Outerplane follows a 3-Star system where players need to fulfill certain conditions while clearing each stage in order to get more of the premium currency called Ether. Players are further rewarded according to the number of stars they have obtained throughout the chapter. These rewards include the likes of Basic Skill Manuals, Ether, and Expert's Hammer. Ether can be used anywhere in the game from summoning to recharging more Gold/Stamina. 

outerplane tips and tricks


Upgrade your Heroes

One of the biggest boosts to your heroes is when they level up. This results in a massive base stat boost for all of their core attributes such as Attack, Health, and Defense. Naturally, this will also make them stronger and increase the value of the stats gained from their equipped gear. Coming to the gear, make sure to equip the correct heroes with the correct main stats and sub stats.

outerplane tips and tricks


Do not be disheartened if you pull a duplicate of any hero as Outerplane follows a shard-based upgrade system. Players are rewarded more if they pull duplicates since they will be able to upgrade the base grade of their hero by collecting 150 shards of the same hero. Sadly, a single duplicate only provides 50 shards as we speak. Hence, players will need 3 duplicates of any hero to be able to upgrade their base rarity.


Upgrade your Base

The Base in Outerplane is an original feature that is hardly seen in other similar games. The Base is located at the main menu, right next to the Adventure mode icon. The tutorial does a poor job in explaining the actual functionality of the Base. It will take a lot of time for players to actually unlock and upgrade all the components of the Base. The core resource for the Base being Antimatter that is only obtainable via the Antiparticle Generator as an AFK resource that recharges over time. However, players can further use this Antimatter to generator other core resources such as more Ether, Gold, EXP food, Crafting Materials, and more.


If you're wondering which character to pull, you can also check the tier list we prepared for you!>>Tier List and Reroll Guide for OUTERPLANE

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