How to play Figure Fantasy on PC with MuMu Player


How to play Figure Fantasy on PC with MuMu Player

Figure Fantasy, the 2021 Best Game Changer of Google Play in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, the first-ever 3D figurine-themed idle mobile game, has arrived in style! Here, you'll become the figurines' master, and experience a wonderful adventure in their miniature world.


The Physically Based Rendering (PBR) technology restores every inch of the figurines with high precision, perfectly presenting their real-world material textures and light refraction.

Place an order to purchase a "Blind Box" with a single tap, tear up the paper box, and receive a surprise, "Wishlist +200x Draw Option" directional mode, you will no longer miss out on your favorite figurines!
Original custom display cabinet system, customized to create a unique private Otaku Zone: Space, sci-fi, middle ages castle...hundreds of themes for you to choose from!

Deploy your lineups on a 3x3 Grid, where you can set positional covers, view exclusive ultimate animations, and engage in combat strategy presented in a 3D format. Try combinations of the five brands freely. Mix and match Defenders, Vanguards, Militarists, Helpers and Specialists in your lineups.

"Effortlessly earn resources from the figurines' work, where your resources will be full when you wake up from your sleep". Say goodbye to tedious daily tasks, ordinary levels can be cleared with a single tap, your idle resources will not be interrupted when you go offline.



A professional emulator like MuMu Player provides you the best experience to play this excellent game on PC. It's easy to download, install, set up your personalized control system on your PC to play Figure Fantasy only if you have an emulator like MuMu Player. 

This version of MuMu Player provides you smooth play experience at high FPS on PC in game Figure Fantasy. Besides, you could set up your special and precise control way on your keyboard and mouse. MuMu Player runs smoothly even on low spec PC. 

Note: You can only use 64-bit version to play this game.



How to download Figure Fantasy on PC 

In order to play your favorite mobile games on PC, MuMu Player is your smart choice. The best part about playing Figure Fantasy on PC with MuMu Player is that it's quite easy to do so. To get started, follow these easy steps:
1. Download and install MuMu Player

How to Play Pokémon Unite on PC with MuMu Player2


2. Complete Google Sign-in and search Figure Fantasy in the APP Center


3. Click to download Figure Fantasy from the search results

PS: If you didn't find this game in Play Store, you could also install apk file of this game directly into MuMu Player.


4. Click the Figure Fantasy icon on the home screen to start playing


Besides Figure Fantasy, there's also a ton of excellent games for you on PC with MuMu Player!


After you' re done these steps which only take a few minutes to complete, you'll be enjoying Figure Fantasy on PC, and with the best controls, graphics, and performance and other brilliant functions provided by MuMu Player. Now start your play experience in the world of Figure Fantasy on PC with MuMu Player!  Click to figure out how to modify performance in Figure Fantasy on PC with MuMu Player!

Click to enjoy the best controls, graphics, and performance and other brilliant functions on MuMu Player好爱你>>