Ragnarok X: Next Generation: Kingdom Pass 2023 Guide


Ragnarok X: Next Generation: Kingdom Pass 2023 Guide

Ragnarok X: New Generation is a 3D MMORPG mobile game, which allows players once again to relive their happy days in Midgard continent with their friends. If you're a beginner of this amazing game, you can also read the upgrade guide and the class list we've prepared for you!
The Kingdom Pass for this year has brought about significant changes. The quests have been made easier to complete. However, on the other hand, the EXP rewards for completing these quests have been greatly reduced. There are now more rewards on regular KP and added a way for players to reset their daily quests.

What are the new Changes for KP?

ragnarok x next generation kingdom pass guide

This year's Kingdom Pass updates have brought about some positive changes, including increased rewards for the regular Kingdom Pass and easier quests. Players will also be pleased to know that progress on the Challenge tab quests will now carry over from month to month. After reaching level 30, you'll get more rewards on regular KP, and you can now reset up to 3 Daily Quest per day.
  • The score earned for each quest in the Season is now 200 EXP
  • The total score earned on the Season is now 2,000 EXP
  • The score earned for each quest in Challenge is now 40 EXP and 100 EXP
  • The total score earned on Challenge is now 640 EXP
However, these updates have a downside: the quest points earned on the Season and Challenge tabs have been reduced.

Tips on Completing the Kingdom Pass

  • Daily – The EXP rewards for the daily quest are still the same. It gives 12 quests a day and each can give you 20 EXP. Each day, you can get a total of 240 EXP and in 31 days for the month of January, it gives a total of 7,440 EXP.
  • Weekly – Same as dailies, it is the same with 10 quests per week. Each quest gives 160 EXP and since this month has been 5 weeks. You can get a total of 8,000 EXP this month.
  • Season – The Season tab is one of the nerfed, you can only get up to 2,000 EXP this month with each quest of 200 EXP.
  • Challenge – One of the greatly nerfed is the Challenge tab, with quest EXP rewards down to 40 EXP for 6 quests and 100 EXP for 4 quests. Giving you only 640 EXP.
  • Weekly Sign-in – The weekly sign-in still gives 150 EXP which gives you a total of 750 EXP for this month.
All in all, if you've finished all of the quests for this month, you'll get a total of 18,830 EXP and the required EXP to reach level 80 in the Kingdom Pass is 16,000 EXP.
ragnarok x next generation kingdom pass guide
Don't hesitate to download Ragnarok X: Next Generation with MuMu Player and start to finish all the Kingdom Pass challenges now!
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