Ragnarok X: Next Generation Weapon Guide


Ragnarok X: Next Generation Weapon Guide

Ragnarok X: Next Generation is an amazing 3D MMORPG mobile game. In this article, we're going to introduce how to craft your first Crafted Weapon (Blue) and upgrade the tier level of Instance Weapon (White) in Ragnarok X: Next Generation.



Instance Weapon (White)

As long as your group is large enough to defeat the daily MVP instances, the instance weapon (White) is the easiest to earn in the game. This weapon's tier can be upgraded to give you better stats that can compete with Blue weapons, but it cannot be upgraded to a higher level. The White weapon can be upgraded to the highest tier, regardless of their starting level, and this provides them stats that are on par with White weapons of higher levels.

How to Upgrade its Tier Level

Instance tier can be upgraded by the MVP Set Weapon Upgrade NPC in the major cities. The first one is from the Prontera which is for Golden Thief Bug (Level 25 set), you can find the NPC for tier upgrade at the Prontera with the NPC named “Golden Thief Bug Set Weapon Upgrade”. Here are the location for each level set:

  •  Prontera – Golden Thief Bug Set Weapon Upgrade (Level 25 – Up to Tier 8)
  •  Izlude Island – Drake Set Weapon Upgrade (Level 40 – Up to Tier 7)
  •  Morroc – Osiris Set Weapon Upgrade (Level 50 – Up to Tier 6)
  •  Alberta – Strouf Set Weapon Upgrade (Level 60 – Up to Tier 5)
  •  Payon – Moonlight Flower Set Weapon Upgrade (Level 70 – Up to Tier 4)
  • Geffen – Dracula Set Weapon Upgrade (Level 80 – Up to Tier 3)
  • Glast Heim – Dark Lord Set Weapon Upgrade (Level 90 – Up to Tier 2)
  • Al De Baran – Owl Duke Set Weapon Upgrade (Level 100 – Up to Tier 1)
  • Comodo – Mutant Dragonoid Weapon Upgrade (Level 110 – not yet available)

ragnarok x next generation weapon guide


Crafting Weapon (Blue)

The crafting weapon (Blue) requires a lot of time to gather all of the necessary ingredients. Most materials needed to craft this item are always Urgently Demand from the Exchange. The only advantage with Blue weapon is you can transform or evolve the equipment into a higher level which gives a higher stats compare to the initial stats (Tier 1) of White weapon.


How to Craft Weapons (Blue) and Upgrade Location

To craft weapons, just go to the location of the NPC Weapon Crafting that can be found in major cities. Make sure you have enough materials for crafting. (We also listed all of its locations and the materials needed below).

ragnarok x next generation weapon guide


Talk to the NPC and craft the materials. You are required to craft first the level 30 weapon in Prontera from the NPC Lv.30 Weapon Crafting. The next craft is for level 40 which is in Izlude. Here are the complete list of location of NPC crafting weapon upgrade:

  •  Prontera – Level 30 Crafting Weapon
  •  Izlude Island – Level 40 Crafting Weapon
  •  Morroc – Level 50 Crafting Weapon
  •  Alberta – Level 60 Crafting Weapon
  •  Payon – Level 70 Crafting Weapon
  •  Geffen – Level 80 Crafting Weapon


Hope this weapon guide is helpful for you! If you're a beginner of Ragnarok X: Next Generation, you can read the Kingdom Pass 2023 Guide and Upgrade Guide we've prepared for you as well!

MuMu player