Summoners War: Free Entrance Event! May21st-22nd


Summoners War: Free Entrance Event! May21st-22nd

Summoners War: ​Enter the Rift Raid to defeat the Chaos Beast Khi'zar Kha'jul with no Energy!

Please check out below for more info on the Rift Raid Free Entrance Event!


▼ Event: May​ 21st - 22nd

▼ Event Details: No Energy will be consumed to enter the Rift Raid battles of all levels during the event.


▼ Free Entrance Times

1st: 1pm - 2pm (1hr)

2nd: 10pm - 11pm (1hr)

* Based on server time


* The event applies to the Rift Raid only.


■ Please Note

- Raid battle support available

: Raid decks of your friends and Guild members can be used as support decks!


- Raid Support

: You can get support up to 5 times a day.

(You can receive support from a Summoner once a day, and you can get support from up to 2 Summoners at once.)

: Go to Raid > [Invite] > select a friend or a Guild Member > Tap [Support] Button to get support.

: Tap and hold a Summoner's info to see what kind of raid deck the Summoner possesses.

: You can't receive support from the Summoners who haven't saved their first raid deck.