Tier Class of Eversoul Here We Go!


Tier Class of Eversoul Here We Go!

From the 30 available Epic characters of Eversoul on release, we spotted a few that have really great kits that work in other games and they should also be strong in Eversoul. We limited our picks to 2 characters per faction and also most of them will be non-damage dealers - without the numbers on the skills finding a good damage dealer will be hard. Keep reading what MuMu Player has prepared for you.




Catherine is a healer, shielder and buffer in one. Usually the ability to shield the whole team alone makes a character really strong (for example, Lucius from AFK Arena), but Catherine can on top heal you. To make things better, she is the only character in the game that can make your team invincible - basically making them immortal for the duration of the buff. This can be used to cheese a lot of content.



Jade can help your RNG. She increases the activation rate of additional effects on allies skills - for example if you have a 40% chance for something to happen on a skill, she will improve the chance. Initially we thought that she straight up affected all allies skills, but it seems she only affects the RNG ones. Which is still strong, but makes her way less overpowered. We still need to test it though to make sure it works like that!



Aira should be able to keep herself alive in the frontline pretty well, because she can heal herself - and when she's healthy, she will actually deal more damage. On top of that, her passive will debuff the nearest enemy, which will come in handy in both progressing through the campaign, but also on bosses.


Soonie is a Defender that can remove buffs from enemies, shield herself which will help survive, and her passive will make your healers better.



Talia is another healer, but she can also restore mana (MP) of all her allies. MP is needed to use the Active skill of each character, so a mana battery like Talia will make a huge difference (Rowan from AFK Arena is very similar to her).


Vivienne is one of the few DPS among the suggested characters, but that's because of her Haste buff she can give to whole team. Haste in rpg games is usually the most coveted buff as it increases speed, attack speed and casting speed. So even if her damage output will be average, the Haste buff will massively elevate her.



Nini is a Caster who can inflict not one, but two DoTs and also Silence enemies. While DoT + debuff combination is common among the Undead faction, what makes Nini stand out is the fact that she has increased MP regen so she will use her Active skill faster compared to other characters.


Petra is a Defender who can steal enemies's HP to heal herself, trap one enemy in a CC and increase the damage he takes from all sources, and on top of that Shield her whole team. She's like a lovechild between Shemira and Lucius from AFK Arena. And while her HP steal is capped at her ATK, which might be an issue because she's a Defender, life stealing characters are always great in gacha games - especially in the early game.


Angel and Demons

Both the Light/Dark equivalents in Eversoul will for sure be really strong in the early game, but raising them will be hard for a F2P player. Still, even if you manage to get only one copy of them, they should be able to carry you during the first few days.


Adrianne is a paladin-like character that is classified as a Defender who can heal allies, stun enemies and pull them to herself, thus disrupting the enemy backline.


Ayame is a caster who focuses on DoT and debuffs to deal with enemies.



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