Time Raiders is an eastern-themed adventure MMORPG, enters pre-registration on Android and iOS


Time Raiders is an eastern-themed adventure MMORPG, enters pre-registration on Android and iOS

Time Raiders is a dark-themed eastern-style mystery adventure MMORPG from YOOZOO Games, a company that specializes in the development and distribution of video games such as League of Angels, Infinity Kingdom, and many other well-known titles. Lin Qi founded the company in 2009 and it is now one of the leading developers in the MMORPG space; Time Raiders, their latest release, is now available for pre-registration on both Android and iOS devices.


Explore vast undergrounds in the east in Time Raiders

Time Raiders includes a variety of mysteries and twists to keep the players' journey exciting and interesting. Every player must seek out trustworthy friends to join their team as members and aid in the fight against the undead creatures and ghosts of this dark world.

They will also need to use their brains to devise various strategies and plans for discovering the buried historical treasures in these mysterious lands, as well as use their special and unique perspective to look for them.


Experience a wide range of amazing weapons and equipment

The game has a mysterious and intriguing storyline that includes undead dens, bloodthirsty zombies, ghosts, and various horrifying creatures. To defeat these evil creatures, the players must have a diverse arsenal of weapons at their disposal.

Time Raiders provides players with a large selection of weapons and equipment from which to choose their own weapons, as the weapon they choose may determine their fate in battle.


The game also gives players the option to change their classes, which is a welcome addition because many games do not give players this option. The player can switch classes at any time during the game and fight as a Blademaster, Gunslinger, or Sage.

The game's pre-registration has already begun on both Android and iOS devices, and it has already surpassed the 170000 mark. Interested players can pre-register and reserve their spots in order to be among the first to play the game.