Tower of Fantasy Gacha Guide


Tower of Fantasy Gacha Guide

Tower of Fantasy is a game that has gacha elements in it. Unlike Genshin Impact, where the focus on gacha is mostly on characters, Tower of Fantasy's gacha mostly focuses on weapons which in turn unlocks them as characters under the Simulacrum tab in your inventory screen. 


Due to this, it's important for players to know how the gacha works as Tower of Fantasy's gacha can be a little bit overwhelming especially if it's your first rodeo into the world of gacha games. 

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To collect characters, "Simulacra", you'll acquire their weapons. Simulacra are just character skins for the weapons you'll obtain. The main focus in Tower of Fantasy is your weapons and how you customize your loadout. Weapons have effects, and pairing synergistic weapons together unlocks resonance (bonuses for elements and skills). For the most part, you'll link SR and SSR weapons together; only three rarities exist, rare (R), secret rarity (SR), and super secret rarity (SSR). The higher the rarity, the more challenging the weapon is to obtain. Wearing a powered-up Simulacrum also unlocks traits, which are passives that boost your weapons to enable a play style within the team (e.g., tank, support, shield break, and dealing damage).

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Gacha Currencies

There are five gacha currencies in Tower of Fantasy:

  • Gold Nucleus
  • Proof of Purchase
  • Red Nucleus
  • Special Voucher
  • Black Nucleus


All of these gacha currencies can be obtained by exchanging your dark crystals in the shop. Some of these, namely Gold Nucleus and Proof of Purchase can be obtained as you do quests and explore. Dark crystals can also be obtained this way.


How the gacha system works

Tower of Fantasy has 5 gachas running all at the same time. The five gachas are called Choice Weapons, Choice Matrices, Rebirth of Clemency (featured weapon banner), Reconstruction (featured matrices banner), and the Black Nucleus Cache.


1. Choice Weapons Banner

The choice weapons banner is probably the first banner you're going to be exposed to. This Banner features a collection of SSR weapons, SR weapons, R weapons as well as weapon batteries that you can use to level up your weapons. Here's the list of the weapons in this banner and their base probability.

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Currency needed to roll: Gold Nucleus


SSR (0.75%)

  • Rosy Edge, Icewind Arrow, Absolute Zerp, Scythe of the Crow, Chakram of the Seas, Negating Cube, Dual EM Stars, Molten Shield V2, Thunderblades 


SR (1%)

  • Staff of Scars, The Terminator, Pummeler, Nightingale's Feather, Thunderous Halberd 


R (91.40%)

  • Frosted Spear, Combat Blade, EM Blade, Composite Bow


R (6.85%)

  • Weapon Battery III 


This banner also has a pity system that guarantees you SRs and SSRs once you reach a certain number of rolls. At 10 rolls, you're guaranteed an SR and at 80 rolls, you're guaranteed an SSR. The good thing about the pity system of Tower of Fantasy is that it doesn't reset even if you get a weapon of the same rarity. For example, getting an SSR at your 30th roll will not reset your pity and you are still guaranteed an SSR at your 80th roll.


Note: this banner and the featured weapon banner do not share pity.


After rolling, you get you can use to buy stuff from the weapon store. You can use these currencies to buy weapons you already own, so that you can increase their refinement level (stars). a currency (black gold) that Weapon duplicates also give you currency.


2. Choice Matrices Banner

Just like choice weapons, but this is for matrices. This banner features various matrices all ranked from SSR to R. Here's the list of all the matrices included and their base probability.

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Currency needed to roll: Proof of Purchase


SSR (1.7%):

  • Meryl: Swordfight Simulation, Meryl: Wake-Up Call, Meryl: Absolute Authority, Meryl: Detached     
  • Tsubasa: Weather Vane, Tsubasa: Gravitator, Tsubasa: Drifter, Tsubasa: Stone Cold
  • Cocoritter: Artistic Instinct, Cocoritter: Identity Overlap, Cocoritter: Caregiver, Cocoritter: Helper
  • KING: Underground Ruler, KING: Live to FIght, KING: Thrillseeker, KING: One Man Army
  • Shiro: Isolated, Shiro: Longing for the Sea, Shiro: Great Singer, Shiro: Cat-like
  • Zero: Paranormal Calculation, Zero: Terminal Protocol, Zero: Info Sort, Zero: Survival of Fittest
  • Samir: Just Kidding, Samir: Dearly Departed, Samir: Silver Bullet, Samir: Future Focus
  • Huma: Disoriented, Huma: Blank Slate, Huma: Easy Does It, Huma: Innocent
  • Crow: Eleventh Dimension, Crow: Formitized, Crow: Dire Survivor, Crow: Rendition


SR (7.5%)

  • Robarg: Greed, Robarg: Instinct, Robarg: Exhaustion, Robarg: The End
  • Apophis: Giant Body, Apophis: Confrontation, Apophis: Weak Point, Apophis: Hatred
  • Frost Bot: Do Not Underestimate, Frost Bot: Swift End, Frost Bot: Quick Freeze, Frost Bot: Ruthless
  • Sobek: Scheme, Sobek: Opportunity, Sobek: Confusion, Sobek: Restlessness
  • Barbarossa: Power Play, Barbarossa: Divided Land, Barbarossa: Natural Aggression, Barbarossa: Intimidating Roar
  • Pepper: Assembly Line, Pepper: Surgical Scar, Pepper: Armband, Pepper: Sleeping Pill
  • Hilda: Acumen, Hilda: Dockbred, Hilda: Haggler, Hilda: Smash Ball
  • Ene: Competitive, Ene: Loose Cannon, Ene: Second Life, Ene: Family Photo
  • Bai Ling: Diverse, Bai Ling: Dissipation, Bai Ling: Fair Trade, Bai Ling: Nth Power
  • Echo: Until the End, Echo: Post Crisis, Echo: Black or White, Echo: Homesick


R (90.8%):

  • Explosive Core, Binding Thread, Web of Dread, Overwhelm
  • Hauler, Restart, Mind of Machine, Bullseye
  • Standard Guard, Terminator Guard, Unyielding Guard, Tenet Guard
  • Provocateurs, Anarchists, Melee Killer, Chaosbringer


This banner also has a pity system put into it albeit different from the choice weapons banner. Instead of 80 pity for SSRs, the choice matrices banner has 40 pity for SSRs. SR pity isn't changed.


Note: This banner and the featured matrices banner do not share pity.


After rolling, you get a currency (base chip) that you can use to buy stuff from the matrix store. You can use these currencies to buy matrix boxes where you can select a matrix you want from the box.


3. Featured Weapon Banner

The featured weapon banner is a limited-time banner that features a weapon that's not included in the choice weapons banner. This means that this will be the only time you're going to be able to get the featured weapon unless Tower of Fantasy decides to re-run that certain weapon. Here are the list of weapons in this banner as well as their probability.

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Currency needed to roll: Red Nucleus


SSR (0.75%):

  • Same as Choice Weapons Banner + Featured Weapon


SR (1%)

  • Same as Choice Weapons Banner


R (91.40%)

  • Same as Choice Weapons Banner


R (6.85%):

  • Weapon Batteries


This banner has a pity system similar to Choice Weapons Banner, however, they do not share pity count. In addition to the pity system of Choice Weapons Banner, the Featured Weapon Banner also operates with a 50/50 system in mind. This means that whenever you get an SSR weapon, it's either going to be the featured weapon or another weapon from the Choice Weapons Banner.


After rolling, you get a currency that you can use to buy stuff from the limited store. What's different about the store here and the choice weapons is that for 120 of that currency, you're going to be able to buy the limited weapon. This means that you wouldn't need to try over and over again, just get to 120 rolls in the banner and you can get the weapon.

After the banner expiry, the excess limited currency (flame gold) you have will be converted into black gold.


4. Featured Matrices Banner

This banner is pretty similar to the choice matrices banner but this banner, like the Featured Weapon Banner, is only available for a limited time. This means that the matrices that are featured here are only unique to this banner. We're still not sure if the matrices found here will completely disappear once the banner is over. Here is the list of matrices in this banner and their base probabilities.

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Currency needed to roll: Special Voucher


SSR (1.7%):

  • Nemesis: Alloy Cells, Nemesis: Teddy Bear, Nemesis: Refreshed, Nemesis: Inner Drive
  • Same as Choice Matrices Banner


SR (7.5%):

  • Same as Choice Matrices Banner


R (90.8%):

  • Same as Choice Matrices Banner


This banner has a pity system similar to Choice Matrices Banner, however, they do not share pity count. In addition to the pity system of Choice Matrices Banner, the Featured Matrices Banner also operates with a 50/50 system in mind. This means that whenever you get an SSR matrix, it's either going to be the featured matrix or another matrix from the Choice Matrices Banner.


After rolling, you get currencies (Overclocking Chip) you can use to get the matrix you want from the limited store. This currency is different from the currency you get if you roll from the Featured Weapons Banner. After the banner expiry, Overclocking Chips will be converted into Base Chips.


5. Black Nucleus Cache

This is probably the gacha where you'll mostly pull on because the currency used here can be obtained just by exploring and doing quests, not just that, they're also plentiful. The Black Nucleus cache is a banner where no pity system exists and it's a free for all. Since there's no pity system, the probability of this gacha is abysmal, but that's fine because the number of black nucleus they're giving out just by exploring is quite a bit. Here is the full list of weapons and items in this gacha as well as their probabilities.

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Currency needed to draw: Black Nucleus


SSR (0.3%):

  • SSR weapons from the Choice Weapons Banner


SR (3%):

  • SR weapons from the Choice Weapons Banner


R (30.7%):

  • R weapons from the Choice Weapons Banner



 - Weapon Battery II (5%)

 - Weapon Battery I (40%)

 - Elementheart (1%):

  • Heart of Lava
  • Heart of Winter
  • Heart of Lightning
  • Heart of Summit

- Elementcore (20%):

  • Firecore
  • Icecore
  • Magcore
  • Rockcore

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Note: some of these maybe return in the future if you can't find it in the game. 


Additional Tips and Guide

These are all the information of the Gacha mechanism in Tower of Fantasy, the followings are some links to other guide and tips for Tower of Fantasy:

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