World War Armies pre-registration begins


World War Armies pre-registration begins

The pre-registration for World War Armies on iOS, a WWII-themed real-time strategy game that will be released in June, has been revealed by Hypemasters. On Android, the game has commenced open beta testing. World War Armies is a stylistic reimagining of WWII, inspired by and paying homage to lesser-known units, technologies, and battlegrounds. It comes armed with a slew of features geared at recapturing the feel of PC RTS games like Company of Heroes and Steel Division, but in a mobile format for on-the-go PvP action.

In World War Armies, engage in battles with actual WWII weapons.

World War Armies combat will feature a wide range of authentic WWII firepower, ranging from infantry and armor to artillery and airstrikes, as well as creative designs specific to each playable faction. The Panzer VIII Maus breakthrough tank, the heaviest fully enclosed armored fighting vehicle ever built, will be seen by players, who can either counter it with the specialist tank-hunter M1 bazooka squad, which can land a knockout blow that can turn even Tigers into sitting ducks with just a few well-placed rockets.

Commanders must make tactical decisions in real-time when the battle is ready, capturing resource locations to deploy reinforcements. A leader's collapse might come from using the incorrect methods, therefore successfully employing every soldier, general, and the vehicle is equally as crucial as recruiting them.

Build defensive fortifications and strike once enemy troops have been decimated, or go all-out offensive from the start, overwhelming opponents with artillery and armor. Commanders must acquire the limited resources required to upgrade their forces and keep one step ahead of their rivals in an increasingly lethal arms race, whether launching a counter-attack or digging in to defend.

In this tabletop game, players will have an unfettered view of the battlefield.

Scout for advanced operating spots through the fog of war and entice the enemy into battles on terrain that will hinder their capacity to fight successfully. Each WWII-themed battleground is modeled after a tabletop wargame or a life-size museum display.

This gives commanders a full perspective of the battlefield, furthering the developers' goal of recreating the original PC RTS experience. In addition, the players will be able to participate in:

  • On the mobile battlefield, you can play classic RTS games.
  • Online PvP confrontations with opposing commanders can be severe.
  • Real-life WWII German and American men, vehicles, and weapons are under your command.
  • Combine assaults and tactical airstrikes are examples of strategies that can be developed and used.
  • Use the best military wits to gain an advantage with recruitable legendary generals.

The open beta for World War Armies is now accessible on Google Play in most countries, and pre-registration for iOS is now open. By following our Facebook, users may remain up to speed on all the newest news and developments.