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Enabling VT in Dell PCs


1. Reboot the PC and access BIOS:

Immediately after the screen turns on, repeatedly press "F2" (most common)/ F1/F12/Delete key to access BIOS.

(Older models: CTRL + ALT + ENTER or Delete or Fn + ESC or Fn + F1)

Remark: (What if I keep on failing to access BIOS because the startup happens too fast?)

Enabling VT in Dell PCs 1


2. Find the setting and enable VT:

Case 1:Enter BIOS SETUP → Click "Virtualization Support" → "Virtualization", Select "Enabled" → Press F10 to save the setting and exit.

Enabling VT in Dell PCs 2


Enabling VT in Dell PCs 3


Case 2:Under the "Advanced" tab, Click "Virtualization" → Change "Disabled" to "Enabled" → Press F10 to save the setting and exit.

Enabling VT in Dell PCs 4


Case 3:Under the "Configuration" tab, click "Intel Virtual Technology" → Change "Disabled" to "Enabled" → Press F10 to save the setting and exit.

Enabling VT in Dell PCs 6


Remark: Different motherboard models may use different names for the term VT, some of the common ones include:

"Intel(R) Virtualization Technology", "Virtual", "Virtualization", "VT-X", and "SVM".

End of Article

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