Backup Games&APP File Guide

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    Backup Games&APP File Guide
    Waktu pembaruan terakhir:2022-01-25

    Guidelines for backing up game and application data files (Applicable to switch from 32-bit to 64-bit version)

    1. Enter the emulator installation directory, find the “myandrovn-vbox86” folder, copy the “...-disk2” file to the desktop, and then uninstall the emulator;




    2. Install the new MuMu emulator, download the import tool (>download here< ) and unzip it.

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    3. Copy all the files in the folder corresponding to the computer system. A 64-bit computer corresponds to the nemu_x64 folder, and a 32-bit computer corresponds to the nemu_x86 folder; the files in the folder are shown in the figure:

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    4. Paste the copy files into the Hypervisor folder under the MuMu installation directory (32-bit is>>C:\Program Files (x86)\NemuVbox\Hypervisor, 64-bit is >>C:\Program Files\NemuVbox\Hypervisor );


    5. Open the Nemu application. Please make sure that the MuMu is closed before opening it.

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    Click file to select Virtual Media Manager,

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    Select the disk2 data disk, click Release first, and then click Remove

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    6. Open the “myandrovn-vbox86” folder, you can see that the -disk2 file inside has been deleted, copy the previous -disk2 file to this folder. Make sure that the name of the newly replaced file is the same as the original's, otherwise it will cause loss of disk data .

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    7. Click setting, select Storage;

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    Click the red box option in turn, and select the second option "Select Existing Hard Disk" in the pop-up window.

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    Select the -disk2 file copied here before and click OK

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    Finally, after the completion of the disk2 disk import, close the tool, open the emulator, you can see the backup games and applications.

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    PS: If the prompt "Network problem has been resolved, please restart" appears after importing, there is a problem with the connection between the imported package and the emulator, please try the above tutorial again.


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