Prompt Insufficient Disk Space when installing software

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Network & Environment Error
    Prompt Insufficient Disk Space when installing software
    Waktu pembaruan terakhir:2021-07-09

    1. The disk storage space is 32G, and the available storage space is insufficient.

    Step 1:  expand the disk space of the emulator. You should uninstall the MuMu Player first >> Click to see how to uninstall the emulator correctly

    Step 2: After unstalling MuMu Player, reinstall the new version of the emulator to expand the emulator's disk space to 126G.

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    2. The disk storage space is 126G, and the available storage space is insufficient.

    Method: Use the cleanup function in MuMu Player

    Step 1:  Click the menu in the upper right corner of the emulator-Settings-Basic-Run disk cleanup;
    Step 2: After clicking on "Run disk cleanup",  a prompt to start disk cleanup will pop up;

    Step 3: After cleaning up,  a prompt indicating that the disk has been cleaned successfully will pop up.


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