Disable Hyper-V and turn off core isolation

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    Disable Hyper-V and turn off core isolation
    Waktu pembaruan terakhir:2023-11-22

    The technologies used by Microsoft's "Core Isolation" and "Hyper-V/VBS" conflict with MuMu Player 12, causing the emulator to run inefficiently or unable to run. It is recommended to turn off "Core Isolation" and disable "Hyper-V/VBS" when running MuMu Player 12.  Turning off core isolation will not affect security. If you are worried, you can install other security software. You can turn off core isolation, Hyper-V/VBS by following the steps below:

    1. Turn off core isolation

    Go to Windows Settings - Update & Security - Windows Security - Device Security - Core Isolation Details and turn off Memory Integrity;


    2. How to disable Hyper-V/VBS?

    2.1 Run the file to automatically disable Hyper-V/VBS

    Click to download the file >> Automatically disable Hyper-V/VBS. After the download is complete, right-click, run the program with administrator rights and then restart the emulator. If the automatic turn-off is not successful, please try the manual method below.


    2.2 Disable Hyper-V/VBS manually

    Step 1: open the interface of "This PC", enter in the address bar: Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features, then press Enter to search;

    Step 2: click "Turn Windows features on or off";

    Step 3: check whether there are the following options in the menu: "Hyper-V", "Virtual Machine Platform", "Windows Hypervisor Platform", "Windows Sandbox", uncheck all of them, and restart the computer.


    Generally speaking, after restarting the computer, Hyper-V/VBS will be disabled successfully. If not, please follow the steps below:

    Step 1: right-click "This PC", click "Manage", jump to the interface of "Computer Management" - "Service and Applications" - "Services", find "HV Host Service"

    Step 2: double click "HV Host Service", change the Startup type into "Manual" or "Disable", then click "OK".

    If it is still not successful, please confirm whether there is a VMware virtual machine installed. If so, please uninstall and close >> Disable VMware service.


    2.3 How to disable Hyper-V/VBS in Windows 11 Home Edition

    Method 1:

    Step 1: Create a text document and rename it as "Hyper-V.cmd";

    Step 2: Enter the following code into the document:

    pushd "%~dp0"

    dir /b %SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\*Hyper-V*.mum >hyper-v.txt

    for /f %%i in ('findstr /i . hyper-v.txt 2^>nul') do dism /online /norestart /add-package:"%SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\%%i"

    del hyper-v.txt

    Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Hyper-V-All /LimitAccess /ALL

    Step 3: After saving the document, right-click the document and execute the file as administrator. A command window will appear. After the installation is complete, enter Y to restart the computer;

    Step 4: After restarting the computer, Hyper-V is successfully installed. Now use the emulator's built-in disable function to try to disable Hyper-V, or refer to the [Manually disable Hyper-V/VBS] tutorial above to try.


    Method 2:

    Step 1: right-click the Start menu - Windows PowerShell (Administrator), enter: Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V-All, then click Enter

    Step 2: if still not successful, enter cmd in the taskbar search box, click run as administrator, enter: bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off, and click Enter.


    If the above method still cannot help you disable Hyper-V/VBS in Windows 11 Home Edition, it is recommended to contact computer after-sales or go to the official Microsoft Community website for consultation. You can also upgrade to Windows 11 Professional Edition to solve the problem.

    Kata kunci : System RequirementHyper-Vcore isolation

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