퍼니싱: 그레이 레이븐을 120 FPS로 플레이하는 방법

지원 / 게임/응용 / 퍼니싱: 그레이 레이븐을 120 FPS로 플레이하는 방법
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퍼니싱: 그레이 레이븐을 120 FPS로 플레이하는 방법
최근 업데이트 날짜:

퍼니싱: 그레이 레이븐은 쿠로게임이 개발, 배급한 모바일 액션 롤플레잉 게임입니다. 2019년 12월 5일 중국에서 처음 출시되었고 1년 후인 2020년 12월 4일 일본에서 출시되었습니다. 글로벌 버전은 2021년 7월 16일에 나온 인기 게임입니다.

설치 가이드:

1. 오피셜 웹사이트에서 MuMuPlayer를 다운하세요.

2.MuMuPlayer를 설치하세요.

III.Emulator settings:  ①Access "Settings" at the upper right corner of the emulator → "Advanced Settings" → adjust the “Performance” to “High”.  How to play Free Fire on perfectly smooth 120 fps2  For most users and games, "medium" performance is the best option. For those with less powerful PCs, it's recommended to set "2 core/ 2GB" or "4 core/ 3GB" if the game setup file is too large or the game requires high quality graphics. Remarks: Adjusting to a higher setting does not always mean it is better. The core count selected should be less than half of the number of actual cores, otherwise game lags may occur.  ②Enable high-definition resolution: Settings → Interface → Resolution settings  How to play Free Fire on perfectly smooth 120 fps3  IV. Access "Settings" at the upper right corner of the emulator → "Game Settings" → Select “Extra High FPS Mode (120FPS)”  How to play Free Fire on perfectly smooth 120 fps41

3. MuMuPlayer를 실행하고 APP Center에서 해당 게임을 찾고 다운합니다.

III.Emulator settings:  ①Access "Settings" at the upper right corner of the emulator → "Advanced Settings" → adjust the “Performance” to “High”.  How to play Free Fire on perfectly smooth 120 fps2  For most users and games, "medium" performance is the best option. For those with less powerful PCs, it's recommended to set "2 core/ 2GB" or "4 core/ 3GB" if the game setup file is too large or the game requires high quality graphics. Remarks: Adjusting to a higher setting does not always mean it is better. The core count selected should be less than half of the number of actual cores, otherwise game lags may occur.  ②Enable high-definition resolution: Settings → Interface → Resolution settings  How to play Free Fire on perfectly smooth 120 fps3  IV. Access "Settings" at the upper right corner of the emulator → "Game Settings" → Select “Extra High FPS Mode (120FPS)”  How to play Free Fire on perfectly smooth 120 fps42

4. 구글 계정으로 플레이 스토어에 로그인하고 퍼니싱: 그레이 레이븐을 다운합니다.

III.Emulator settings:  ①Access "Settings" at the upper right corner of the emulator → "Advanced Settings" → adjust the “Performance” to “High”.  How to play Free Fire on perfectly smooth 120 fps2  For most users and games, "medium" performance is the best option. For those with less powerful PCs, it's recommended to set "2 core/ 2GB" or "4 core/ 3GB" if the game setup file is too large or the game requires high quality graphics. Remarks: Adjusting to a higher setting does not always mean it is better. The core count selected should be less than half of the number of actual cores, otherwise game lags may occur.  ②Enable high-definition resolution: Settings → Interface → Resolution settings  How to play Free Fire on perfectly smooth 120 fps3  IV. Access "Settings" at the upper right corner of the emulator → "Game Settings" → Select “Extra High FPS Mode (120FPS)”  How to play Free Fire on perfectly smooth 120 fps43


5. 설치하고 다운합니다.

III.Emulator settings:  ①Access "Settings" at the upper right corner of the emulator → "Advanced Settings" → adjust the “Performance” to “High”.  How to play Free Fire on perfectly smooth 120 fps2  For most users and games, "medium" performance is the best option. For those with less powerful PCs, it's recommended to set "2 core/ 2GB" or "4 core/ 3GB" if the game setup file is too large or the game requires high quality graphics. Remarks: Adjusting to a higher setting does not always mean it is better. The core count selected should be less than half of the number of actual cores, otherwise game lags may occur.  ②Enable high-definition resolution: Settings → Interface → Resolution settings  How to play Free Fire on perfectly smooth 120 fps3  IV. Access "Settings" at the upper right corner of the emulator → "Game Settings" → Select “Extra High FPS Mode (120FPS)”  How to play Free Fire on perfectly smooth 120 fps44

6.앱플레이어 설정:

①에뮬레이터 우측 상단의 '설정 센터' → '고급 설정' → '성능'을 '높음'으로 조정합니다.

III.Emulator settings:  ①Access "Settings" at the upper right corner of the emulator → "Advanced Settings" → adjust the “Performance” to “High”.  How to play Free Fire on perfectly smooth 120 fps2  For most users and games, "medium" performance is the best option. For those with less powerful PCs, it's recommended to set "2 core/ 2GB" or "4 core/ 3GB" if the game setup file is too large or the game requires high quality graphics. Remarks: Adjusting to a higher setting does not always mean it is better. The core count selected should be less than half of the number of actual cores, otherwise game lags may occur.  ②Enable high-definition resolution: Settings → Interface → Resolution settings  How to play Free Fire on perfectly smooth 120 fps3  IV. Access "Settings" at the upper right corner of the emulator → "Game Settings" → Select “Extra High FPS Mode (120FPS)”  How to play Free Fire on perfectly smooth 120 fps45

대부분의 사용자와 게임의 경우 "중간" 성능이 최상의 옵션입니다. PC 성능이 낮은 분들은 게임 설정 파일이 너무 크거나 고화질 그래픽이 필요한 경우 "2코어/2GB" 또는 "4코어/3GB"로 설정하는 것을 권장합니다. 비고: 더 높은 설정으로 조정한다고 해서 항상 더 나은 것은 아닙니다. 선택한 코어 수는 실제 코어 수의 절반 미만이어야 합니다. 그렇지 않으면 게임 지연이 발생할 수 있습니다.

②고해상도 활성화 : 설정 → UI설정 → 해상도

III.Emulator settings:  ①Access "Settings" at the upper right corner of the emulator → "Advanced Settings" → adjust the “Performance” to “High”.  How to play Free Fire on perfectly smooth 120 fps2  For most users and games, "medium" performance is the best option. For those with less powerful PCs, it's recommended to set "2 core/ 2GB" or "4 core/ 3GB" if the game setup file is too large or the game requires high quality graphics. Remarks: Adjusting to a higher setting does not always mean it is better. The core count selected should be less than half of the number of actual cores, otherwise game lags may occur.  ②Enable high-definition resolution: Settings → Interface → Resolution settings  How to play Free Fire on perfectly smooth 120 fps3  IV. Access "Settings" at the upper right corner of the emulator → "Game Settings" → Select “Extra High FPS Mode (120FPS)”  How to play Free Fire on perfectly smooth 120 fps46

③ 앱플레이어 우측 상단의 '설정' → '게임 설정' → '초고 FPS 모드(120FPS)' 선택

III.Emulator settings:  ①Access "Settings" at the upper right corner of the emulator → "Advanced Settings" → adjust the “Performance” to “High”.  How to play Free Fire on perfectly smooth 120 fps2  For most users and games, "medium" performance is the best option. For those with less powerful PCs, it's recommended to set "2 core/ 2GB" or "4 core/ 3GB" if the game setup file is too large or the game requires high quality graphics. Remarks: Adjusting to a higher setting does not always mean it is better. The core count selected should be less than half of the number of actual cores, otherwise game lags may occur.  ②Enable high-definition resolution: Settings → Interface → Resolution settings  How to play Free Fire on perfectly smooth 120 fps3  IV. Access "Settings" at the upper right corner of the emulator → "Game Settings" → Select “Extra High FPS Mode (120FPS)”  How to play Free Fire on perfectly smooth 120 fps47

7. 설정 후 게임 아이콘을 클릭하여 게임을 시작합니다.

8. MuMuPlayer로 PC에서 최고의 환경에서 게임을 즐겨보세요!

게임 중 지연이 생긴다면 클릭하여 솔루션을 확인하세요 >게임 지연을 대비하는 방법< 


자주 묻는 다른 질문들이 궁금하다면?


—  이 문장이 도움이 되셨습니까?  —


검색결과가 없습니다, 다른 키워드를 입력해 보세요

1. 페이스북 고객센터에 피드백을 남겨주세요.
2. discord서버에 가입하신후 MuMu Player 고객센터에 문의해주세요.
3. support@mumuglobal.com로 피드백을 보내주세요.
로딩 중

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