Ragnarok X: Next Generation Basic Guide for Available Classes


Ragnarok X: Next Generation Basic Guide for Available Classes

Ragnarok X: Next Generation, the faithful adaptation of the historic MMORPG franchise, has officially launched in 9 countries within the SEA region, with pre-registration reaching 3 million right before the launch. Ragnarok X: Next Generation is a brand-new, officially licensed adaptation of the original classic, allowing players to once again relive their blissful days in the land of Midgard with their friends, just like the game’s slogan goes,“Together, We ROX!”


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Ragnarok X: Next Generation Basic Guide for Available Classes 1

What are the different available classes in the game?

Swordsman – Swordsman is a single target team fighter class in the game. They can use the strongest armors in the game which helps them defend the peace of the continent. With their unparalleled defensive capabilities, they’re usually found in the front lines of battle serving as the vanguards of any party.

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Acolyte – their main roles are support and healer. They are strong against shadow and undead-type monsters. Acolytes are peace-loving but when push comes to shove, they use the holy light within them to smite their enemies.

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Mage – they are the masters of the most profound arcane magic. Even nature must submit to these magical scholars. Their main role in the game is a ranged AOE magic damage dealer.

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Thief – these classes can launch multiple attacks in a blink of an eye. They use deadly weapons and crippling weapons as their main arsenal. Their role in the game is high output single target damager.

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Archer – no enemy can escape their deadly eyes. They are masters of killing enemies from afar using a variety of ranged attacks while using traps to keep their enemies at bay.

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Merchant – to a merchant the world revolves around Zennies. Not only are they good in combat, but they are also good at marketing, using their stalls to sell their different goods.

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Each class will start off as a novice. Once you reach the basic requirements, you can advance to your first Job Class (Swordsman, Archer, Mage, etc). Once you reach level 50 Job level, you can advance to the 2nd class (Knight, Hunter, Wizard, etc.). And finally, once you reach 2nd job class level 50, you can apply for a Transcended Second Class. Hope you can choose your favorite class and enjoy this game.

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