Summoners war: event-complete missions every day


Summoners war: event-complete missions every day

Hello guys
Summoners War recently launched an excellent event, let`s complete missions every day to get various rewards! Energy rewards are also available according to the no. of missions completed.
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> Event Schedule

Aug. 1st 7pm - Aug. 15th 7:59am PDT
Rewards available until Aug. 16th 7:59am PDT

> Event Details

Event 1. Complete missions every day to get rewards!

You can complete a total of 20 missions every day.
You can get a Silver Ticket whenever you complete each mission.
In addition, you can get a Golden Ticket whenever you complete 5 missions every day.
- Enter Scenario 10/20/30/40/50 times
- Enter Cairos Dungeon 10/20/30/40/50 times
- Enter Rift of Worlds + Dimension Hole 10/20/30/40/50 times
- Enter Arena + World Arena + Guild Contents 5/10/15/20/30 times
* Missions can be completed up to 20 times every day, and each day resets at 8am PDT.
* Scenario: Dimensional Rift/ World Arena: Goodwill Battle won't count.
* Guild Content: Guild Battle/ Siege Battle/ Tartarus' Labyrinth will count.
* For Tartarus' Labyrinth mission, the count will go up when you successfully attack stages. In case of Time Limit stages, the no. of battles won in the labyrinth will be counted when the battle ends.
* The mission difficulty level will be lowered for Summoners with Lv. 49 or below after the event opens, and the lowered difficulty level will be remained even if they reach Lv. 50.
[Daily Rewards]
5 missions completed: Gold Ticket x1, Mystical Scroll x1, Mana Stone x200,000
* You can get one Golden Ticket a day.
* Golden Tickets will be reflected in [Collected Golden Tickets in Total] in real time after completing 5 missions.
Event 2. Get rewards according to the no. of Golden Tickets collected!
2 golden tickets collected: Ancient Coin x20, Summoning Stone x50
4 golden tickets collected: 5 stars Rainbowmon (Lv. 1) x1
6 golden tickets collected: Ancient Coin x30, Summoning Stone x100
8 golden tickets collected: Devilmon x1
10 golden tickets collected: Reappraisal Stone x1

Event 3. Get Energy whenever you collect 5 Silver Tickets!

5 silver tickets collected: 50 Energy

* Energy will be collectively exchanged on the basis of available Energy and will be sent to the Inbox.
* Please Read
- Missions can be completed up to 20 times every day, and each day resets at 8am PDT.
- You can get one Golden Ticket a day.
- [Event 3] Energy will be collectively exchanged on the basis of available Energy and will be sent to the Inbox.
- The reward will be available for 24 hours after the event ends.
- Please restart the game if you're playing when the event begins to avoid any delays.
- Please try restarting the game if you don't see your reward at the Inbox.
- The duration and remaining time for the event will be displayed in the time zone of the area that you reside in.
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